People with Autism, despite their limitations, have much to contribute to society. New skills, perspectives, talents, accomplishments - and therefore they must be protected from neurotypicals who don't know how to approach them properly. We can no longer tolerate this abuse - it is time for the world to act.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey D.
  • Dropbox: Please Bring Back and Open-Source the Mailbox App!
    Important to note: Mailbox users paid for the application with the anticipation that they would receive continued service and support and were willing to endure through the bugs and issues, as well as the lack of support because it was the best choice available. Sadly, in February of this year, the application’s functionality promptly discontinued and any remaining information and data was completely destroyed. The Answer: If the Mailbox community puts enough pressure on Dropbox, we can hopefully get them to accept our request to restore Mailbox and open-source it. We ask that Dropbox bring this program back and let the Mailbox community handle the application on their own. Together, we can bring back this much-needed cloud-based email application. We support the restoration of this magnificent e-mail management program for iOS and OS X.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James P.
  • No Constitution Free Zones in the United States
    If the 2nd Amendment is such a sacred cornerstone of the Constitution, it should be respected everywhere in our country, including in the offices and workplaces of those officials who have sworn to uphold the Constitution. Presently, firearms are banned from these sites. Do we live under the Constitution or not?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John P.
  • I want justice!
    I was NOT allowed to give all of my exculpatory testimony
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott D. D.
  • A Proposal to Amend the US Constitution to Recall Members of Congress
    The proposal is for a Constitutional Amendment for a recall provision to be enforceable against a sitting Member of Congress. This recall provision would provide more regular and continuous oversight of elected public officials to ensure their responsiveness to the Will of the People. The People should not tolerate an incompetent or corrupt or unresponsive elected official exhibiting a willful disregard of those represented, particularly when they serve in Congressional leadership positions affecting the Nation at large. Why should the American People have to wait until that elected official's term of office expires? For example, it is evident that the current Congress' priorities and actions do not reflect the Will of the People. In blatant disregard to that Will, the leadership in Congress has, when in the minority, obstructed Justice by manipulating the Rules of Congress to require more than a majority vote when, by their own precedent, no supermajority vote was previously required. Senators and Representatives are on official public record for abusing the right to filibuster to force delays and otherwise obstruct the good faith business of Congress. When in the majority, they have passed laws providing for unfair advantage in electoral processes, redistricting federal districts unrepresentative of the demographics of States, all to ensure a "safe" district for their party. This is in blatant disregard of general rules of good government. This government was based on a simple principle of majority rule with minority rights. The factions in Congress have forced minorities to find super-majorities to overcome the abuses to procedural rules. If this principle is to be a precedent, then the People can employ that same principle, the right of a relatively small minority of the electorate to force a recall election of an official acting in bad faith. It is the hope of the People that such a threat of recall will deter and/or penalize our elected representatives from taking political positions that offend the clear majority of US Citizens not otherwise represented. The system of campaign finance combined with professional lobbying has so corrupted the process of legislating that the majority of Americans feel disenfranchised and politically alienated from their government. It is the only way to create a counter-balance to all the special interests and single-issue groups who now dominate the time and attention of the Legislature. Further, these political pressures have made it impossible for our Representatives to consider anything other than their own short-term interests and political advantages, thereby ignoring what is in the long-term best interests of the American People. At a minimum, it is the hope that such a recall provision will effectively stymie an official intent on pursuing such a conflict of interest between themselves and their electorate, constantly occupying them, instead, with the threat of needing to campaign in perpetual recall elections. It has long been the right, in many State Courts, to file what is known as a "Writ of Mandamus" against any public official who is acting in an arbitrary or capricious manner, usually without reference to the facts or the rule of law. However, no such right exists at the Federal level. Given our current history, the wisdom of such a Constitutional Amendment is clear. Never has the need been greater. Current events are now witness to the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, announcing in public that he will not call for hearings, under any circumstances, to confirm a Constitutionally mandated Presidential nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States. There is no legal precedent, and no precedent of Congress for this action. It is clearly an arbitrary and capricious act designed to bring about a political result. This is in contravention to the clear original intent of the US Constitution and the current Will of the People. Under his "stewardship" the People have witnessed the repeated abuse of the Rules of the Senate in order to obstruct virtually every legislative initiative of our duly elected President. The People cannot wait to "vote him out of office." The power of the incumbency is so great that he may never be voted out - even against the popular vote of his own electorate. This hurts all of us, not just those in his home State. There are Supreme Court cases that need the ninth Justice to decide them. With the Senate Rules and the Electoral Rules being abused, daily, this obstructionist faction (that clearly does not believe in any proper role of government or any acceptable level of taxation or spending) continues to gain power in Congress. Such policies amount to Sedition and Treason in the traditi
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter K.
  • Israel Must Move
    Justice for Palestine and the conscience of Israelis
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by george b.
  • repeal the 1947 NSA ACT and bury the NSA + CIA
    The CIAs "Third World War" (1947-now) is the third bloodiest war in the history of the world. This is our (trillions and counting) Tax Dollars At Work. Imagine what positive effects that money could have accomplished, with no bloodshed or destruction. Major inroads on poverty,poor health,clean water,illiteracy....? Cheap word wide Solar Energy? Nuclear and other toxic waste solutions?
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arkhi B.
  • Congress passes bill that allows the largest land grab of all times
    The acreage they want to give away is the most scared lands of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. They want to strip all of the copper ore out from under the lands where the tribes have used for burials and scared ceremonies of hundreds of years. The company even admits this will cause "a little subsidence" of these lands. What that means is these mountains will collapse after having a huge amount of rock removed from under them.They do not even talk about the fact that this scared mountain is an important part of the water supply to the entire very arid region. Another fact ignored is that they will have to pollute the water resources that are already used in this area in order to get the "Low grade copper ore" out from under them since water is necessary for ore processing. What will the scared lands look like in 10 years? This area of fragile ecology supports many endangered species. All that will be left is a smoldering pile of pulverized rock surrounded by drying up ponds of polluted water. This will not only be an environmental disaster, but the total destruction of the San Carlos Apache Tribe's culture and past. Why are we even talking about allowing a foreign company to destroy Native American property? This does no benefit anyone except a company with ties to China and Iran. Or perhaps certain politicians. The Native Americans have been lied to and cheated by the American Government too many times already. Now they want to allow San Carlos Apache Tribe's most sacred lands to be destroyed so a foreign company can get richer? This is completely immoral and should be totally illegal! Some other American National lands scheduled to be given away or heavily exploited include: 1,600 acres from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State for industrial development 70,000 acres of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska would be opened to logging A couple thousand acres of National Lands in North Carolina There are hundreds of thousands of acres of American to be handed off or tied up for industrial destruction in this massive land grab. Why is is all hidden away inside of a defense bill when it has nothing to do with defense, but everything to do with greed? Just when I thought that our Congress could go no lower, they find a new way of demonstrating their complete disdain for the people that they are supposed to be representing. Now they are helping themselves to land that is supposed to belong to all Americans The Congress is giving away out National lands to anyone that they want to. Where do they get the right to give away any American National Lands? Also included in this horrible bill are other areas important to people that they want to give away including National properties in North Carolina. Our National lands belong to the people of this country not to Congress! These people need to be stopped before they destroy the entire country so they can get wealthier! They will be able to afford to leave the remains of this beautiful country after they pillage and rape it, but millions of Americans will not have the same luxury. This is our future generation's heritage that they are so callously wiping out for the purpose of a few selfish people getting richer.
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Preston B.
  • US Congress, Join the World Court
    The United States is the only developed nation that uses torture. Obama, as well as several of our past presidents should be prosecuted for signing off on that. During our endless foreign wars we have murdered over a million innocent civilians as "collateral damage". Future presidents will continue this process unless they see that ignoring international rules has lethal consequences.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph M.