Successful Campaigns
Successful Campaigns
Marriott: Don’t Host Urban Shield!Result: Marriott and the City of Oakland have agreed not to host Urban Shield in the future.3,775 SignaturesCreated by Ali I.
Negotiate with North Korea on Its Offer to Cancel Nuclear TestsThe United States began negotiating with North Korea rather than rejecting its offer to halt nuclear tests -- with outcome yet to be determined.4,758 SignaturesCreated by David S.
Stop Destruction of the Monacan Indian CapitalFrom the Charlottesville Daily Progress on December 9, 2021: "Development of a water intake and pump station in Fluvanna County will likely be moved away from the historic capital of the Monacan Indian Nation, after research has revealed little evidence of burial artifacts at a possible new site."6,699 SignaturesCreated by Ellen C.
Ask the City of Charlottesville to Divest from Weapons and Fossil FuelsOn June 3, 2019, the city did what we wanted for its operating budget, and made plans to do so for its retirement fund.558 SignaturesCreated by David S.
Resume reporting on weapons salesThey published the report. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/R44320.pdf8,836 SignaturesCreated by David S.
Rename J.E.B Stuart High School To Thurgood Marshall High SchoolThe Fairfax County School Board unanimously adopted a new procedure for renaming schools. We're moving into phase 2 where we want the name to be changed to Justice Thurgood Marshall.1,493 SignaturesCreated by Andrea M.
Tell Bernie Sanders to Reject AIPAC's InvitationSUCCESS! Bernie Sanders says he will not attend AIPAC conference http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/18/politics/bernie-sanders-aipac-speaking/index.html8,890 SignaturesCreated by Max B.
DO NOT EXTRADITE JULIAN ASSANGE to the USAThis petition was a success. On January 4, 2020, the judge ruled against extradition. However, she did not rule on grounds of protecting journalism and publishing from prosecution. So, the struggle goes on.5,357 SignaturesCreated by Rick S.
No Spy Planes Over Miami-DadeWe won.2,824 SignaturesCreated by Sue U.