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To: U.S. Congressional House Committee on Appropriations

Audit the Pentagon

Petition Text

The Pentagon has never passed an audit, yet it costs taxpayers billions, increasing annually.  There doesn't seem to be any oversight by anyone who is not invested in war or arms sales.  

Meanwhile, noncorporate citizens have many better uses for their money than pumping up the Pentagon war machine -- the greatest contributor to global warming, yet this contribution can't be counted in international negotiations on addressing the climate crisis the world is suffering with more force every year.

Why is this important?

This is about the future of the world and how American taxpayer money is being used against the wishes and needs of the people who pay taxes.



2025-03-16 14:16:49 -0400

100 signatures reached

2025-03-16 12:19:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2025-03-16 11:03:11 -0400

25 signatures reached

2025-03-16 10:44:14 -0400

10 signatures reached