50 signatures reached
To: Michigan Supreme Court
Petition Text
Stop permitting Michigan teenagers from being sentenced to death in prison.
Why is this important?
Justice. Common Decency. Humanity. To know better is supposed to mean knowing better.
In 2012, shockingly new science based on brain development caused the United States Supreme Court to issue a landmark ruling declaring that teenage homicide offenders under age 18 should not be sentenced to life without possibility of parole.
Charles Selby has been in a Michigan prison since 1986. He is currently serving life without parole sentence for his actions when he was 18 years old for 192 hours. In addition to the experts, common sense screams that being 18 for 192hrs. is no different than being 17 years old. Thus, Charles is currently asking the Michigan Supreme Court to do what is right, fair, and just by honoring the spirit of the law when valid exceptions to the letter of the law presents an unconstitutional application.
You are asked to please sign this petition to demonstrate public support for what is right, fair, and just. Please alert others to this petition and that there is still work to be done to ensure teenager offenders aren't sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.
To learn more about this issue, go to fb: CharlesSelby/NoExcuses and scroll the time line to read the article "COURTS SAY TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T SERVE LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE SENTENCES. WHAT ABOUT CHARLES?" Also, you can learn more about Charles in general at the same fb site.
In Solidarity
Support for Charles Selby
In 2012, shockingly new science based on brain development caused the United States Supreme Court to issue a landmark ruling declaring that teenage homicide offenders under age 18 should not be sentenced to life without possibility of parole.
Charles Selby has been in a Michigan prison since 1986. He is currently serving life without parole sentence for his actions when he was 18 years old for 192 hours. In addition to the experts, common sense screams that being 18 for 192hrs. is no different than being 17 years old. Thus, Charles is currently asking the Michigan Supreme Court to do what is right, fair, and just by honoring the spirit of the law when valid exceptions to the letter of the law presents an unconstitutional application.
You are asked to please sign this petition to demonstrate public support for what is right, fair, and just. Please alert others to this petition and that there is still work to be done to ensure teenager offenders aren't sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.
To learn more about this issue, go to fb: CharlesSelby/NoExcuses and scroll the time line to read the article "COURTS SAY TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T SERVE LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE SENTENCES. WHAT ABOUT CHARLES?" Also, you can learn more about Charles in general at the same fb site.
In Solidarity
Support for Charles Selby