To: New York Times

@NYTimes: Retract your "Mass Rape" stories used to Justify Killing Gazan Civilians

Petition Text

We call on the Times to immediately retract their Oct 7 "Mass Rape" stories so they can no longer be used to justify war crimes and starving Gazans.

The Times must also be up front about the level of accountability they take for their reporting. Both Judith Miller (WMD) and Jeffery Gettleman describe their work as portraying their sources' stories without much responsibility, but shouldn't the Times have done a better job of checking source's consistency and evaluating their credibility?

Why is this important?

Republican pollster Frank Luntz is advising supporters of Israel that echoing the Times' stories about Oct 7 "Mass Rape" is the most potent way to justify Israel's actions, despite the fact that the rape charges play on racist and colonial tropes and many of the claims, such as "mass rapes" ("dozens") have proven faulty.
