To: USA Government

Questions for USA Government Regarding Paying Down or Paying Off the USA National Debt

Petition Text

How does the USA Government propose to Pay Down or Pay Off the USA National Debt with USA Private Debt Based National Currency???

It is not possible to pay off debt with USA Debt Based Currency ---- Given the fact that the National Debt represents the latent value of USA Private Debt Based National Currency, EXPANDING the USA Money Supply with additional National Debt will devalue the USA Money Supply to the extent of the overall expansion of the USA Money Supply.

Paying down the USA National Debt from the EXISTING USA Money Supply will contract the USA Money Supply and the USA Economy to the extent that the USA National Debt is Paid Down.

Paying Off the USA National Debt from the EXISTING USA Money Supply will COMPLETELY ELIMINATE the USA Money Supply and COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN and STOP the USA Economy due to a lack of currency to use to transact trade.

The USA needs to have a debate about the legitimacy of the current USA Debt Based Money Supply and the current Debt Based USA National Economy versus an Asset Based USA National Money Supply and an Asset Based USA National Economy.

The current USA Debt Based Money Supply and the current Debt Based USA National Economy represents deindustrialization of the USA and financialization of the USA that produces and manufactures NOTHING, other than for benefit from financial instruments and both simple and compound interest.

A USA National Money Supply and an Asset Based USA National Economy will drive a USA agriculture and manufacturing economy that will reindustrialize the USA and produce the manufactures, goods and services necessary to the life of the USA as a nation, and export the excess for international trade, allow a healthy National manufacturing capacity for the National Defense and allow revenue from the economy sufficient to support the USA Government without a National Debt.

All that really matters on the main stream media talk shows is talking about the fact that the USA has a Debt, and bringing down that debt; never mentioning that that debt is the USA's Debt Based Money Supply and the USA's Debt Based National Economy, rather than a National Asset Based Money Supply and a National Asset Based National Economy. Why is that?

Again, tell me how does the USA Government propose to Pay Down or Pay Off the USA National Debt with USA Private Debt Based National Currency??? .... This is the dirty secret that nobody in politics wants to talk about that needs to be talked about and debated in the presidential debates, because this is what has caused the decline and fall of the USA as a nation, and if it is not redressed there is no economic solution to the economic collapse of the USA in 2008 that has continued from 2008 to the present as a decline and fall sequence of the USA as a nation.

The USA needs to have a debate about the legitimacy of the current USA Debt Based Money Supply and the current Debt Based USA National Economy versus an Asset Based USA National Money Supply and an Asset Based USA National Economy.

Why is this important?

This is the dirty secret that nobody in politics wants to talk about that needs to be talked about and debated in the presidential debates, because this is what has caused the decline and fall of the USA as a nation, and if it is not redressed there is no economic solution to the economic collapse of the USA in 2008 that has continued from 2008 to the present as a decline and fall sequence of the USA as a nation.

How it will be delivered



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