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Petition on tightening the traffic laws for distracted drivers

Petition Text

According to statistics, more than 80 accidents occur due to distracted drivers. People are distracted by food, smartphones, talks, etc. Some even manage to change clothes or put on makeup while driving. As a result, drivers lose focus and concentration. It leads to numerous accidents with damage to health and even death.

Why is this important?

Each driver must understand that a vehicle is a source of increased danger. Modern cars have a high level of comfort and capabilities. It creates a false impression of safety while driving. Of course, modern vehicles are safer than their predecessors. But even they are not able to save lives in accidents at high speeds. Each driver must understand the responsibility when getting into the car. And Ontario authorities should tighten legislation for distracted drivers. To do this, it's enough to increase the number of demerit points Ontario for frequent violations. In addition, a driver's licenсe suspension can be downgraded from 15+ points to 12+ points. Of course, the authorities must elaborate and discuss all the changes before adding them to the legislation. We are saving many lives by increasing driver accountability and punishment.
United States

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2021-12-06 14:36:42 -0500

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