Ban Fracking in our City/County Now

Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives in Ohio, Texas, New Mexico, and California have banned fracking. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. Create a petition for your city or county and let's ban fracking everywhere.

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Campaigns (21)

  • Ban Fracking in Sharon Township, Franklin County, OH Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for Board of Trustees to take action and ban fracking in Sharon Township, Franklin County, OH now.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barbara B.
  • Pitts
    Ban Fracking in Baldwin Borough
    First of all, Hays Woods should be called something like Mt. Walas, Grasha, Spratt, Crisman, Brennan, Sexaur, McGinnis or ANY BALDWIN resident name. Then for the sake of all the residents BAN FRACKING! DO IT NOW!! The nuns at St. Wendelin taught us better than to sacrifice God's land for corporate profit and at the expense of our health . ACT RIGHT!! COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!!!! DO YOUR JOB AND PROTECT ALL THAT IS BALDWIN. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for the Mayor of Baldwin to lead the way!! Take action and ban fracking in Baldwin Borough NOW!.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Normi W.
  • Ban Fracking in Montgomery County, Maryland Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for The County Council to take action and ban fracking in Montgomery County now.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anne G.
  • DFW Airport
    Ban Fracking in the Dallas / Fort Worth Area Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. We need Mayor, Mike Rawlings and City Manager, A.C. Gonzalez to take necessary action to help ban fracking in city of Dallas and surrounding area. The new recent widely felt earthquakes in our area should be an immediate concern before it leads to a serious disaster. Our city structures and buildings have never been prepared to deal with earthquake because these magnitudes and frequency of earthquakes has never been experienced in this area until this practice has started.
    382 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Julie B.
  • Inglewood
    Ban Fracking in Inglewood, California Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for to take action and ban fracking in Inglewood California. We are in the middle of a drought and this is not only waste water but also could contaminate our wells and risk health problems for the people living nearby. There is a reason why so many Counties are banning this insidious practice.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline W.
  • Ban Fracked Gas in Mass
    Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a Harvard study estimated that 15 billion cubic feet of natural gas, worth some $90 million, escapes the regional delivery system each year, which is about 2.7 percent of the gas delivered to the Boston region. "The scientists said the steady release of natural gas negatively impacts the region's economy, health and environment." It is an issue that our Department of Public Health must address. We cannot afford to pollute our commonwealth!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurel F.
  • Ban Fracking and fracked gas pipelines in New England Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; Denton, Texas and throughout Massachusetts and New York. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. Not only does fracking cause horrific damage to the water, air and ground of areas surrounding the excavations, but releases of terrible toxins and methane threaten the vast areas where the fracked gas pipelines invade adversely impacting the health and well being of all. Gas is in no way a clean energy source and growth of its infrastructure would be wasteful for our economy and ridiculously damaging to our nation. In fact, it requires releases of methane along the pipelines, for a variety of reasons, one of which is to release the pressure so that it doesn't explode. Nevertheless, explosions happen frequently, usually due human error. Massachusetts Senator Edward J. Markey, has been quoted to say.... "Gas distribution companies in 2011 reported releasing 69 billion cubic feet of natural gas to the atmosphere, almost enough to meet the state of Maine’s gas needs for a year and equal to the annual carbon dioxide emissions of about 6 million cars." Natural gas itself consists primarily of methane, a greenhouse gas over 86 times more powerful than CO2 in the first 20 years that it hits the atmosphere, 24 times more over a 100 year period. Please refer to information for some more specifics about the dangers to our health and environment by searching the websites of,,, including It is time for to take action and ban fracking in now throughout New England and our nation.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by miriam k.
    Qué es el FRACKING? La fracturación hidráulica es un polémico método de extracción de gas de esquisto que causa daños al medioambiente y a la salud de aquellas personas que viven alrededor de las explotaciones, en cuyo entorno, el agua y el aire se han convertido en venenosos, mientras su existencia se asemeja cada vez más a un infierno. Incluso el derecho a quejarse les ha sido arrebatado en pos de un supuesto bien común que no han experimentado. Governor Cuomo de Nueva York ha declarado una probibición contra el fracking al nivel estatal. Iniciativas de ciudadanos locales han ayudado prohibir el fracking en los condados de Mendocino y San Benito en California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; y Denton, Texas. Comunidades a traves de los Estados Unidos y el mundo entero estan diciendo NO a este método ecológicamente desastroso que busca extraer hidrocarburos de la tierra. Es tiempo que los colombianos digan a sus gobernantes: NO AL FRACKING EN COLOMBIA
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James W.
  • Ban Fracking in Albemarle County VA Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for our County Supervisors to take action and ban fracking in Albemarle County now.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David S.
  • Ban Fracking in Sacramento County Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. In California we have the added problem of drought conditions. The millions of gallons of water used in fracking is an incredible waste of this precious resource. It is time for The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to take action and ban fracking in Sacramento County now.
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bill L.