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To: Jim Jordan

Climate Change or Climate Manipulation?

Petition Text

It is past time for congress to acknowledge and stop that what was set in motion in 2013 with Congressional Committees on Geoengineering has been a program from at least 2017.  SAI and SRM are performed worldwide. There is sufficient evidence to prove the damage being done by these "solar dimming" projects. 

Because this is instigated by governments and government agents, so it can be stopped by governments. It MUST be stopped.

Some of the players are the IPCC of the UN, the WHO, DOD, Government paid contractors. There are more. 

Why is this important?

Trees, crops, beneficial insects, wildlife, forests, and WE are dying and being destroyed.  It is popular to blame extreme weather events and the die offs by saying it is due to climate change. It is largely driven by climate manipulation.  You can see the difference in the color of the sky in your area.  Some parts of the world have had bumper crops this year, at least on the trees that haven't died. Other parts have been unable to plant crops because of the incessant rain. How have you been feeling? 
Texas, USA

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2024-10-03 09:35:45 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-09-22 22:29:31 -0400

10 signatures reached