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BAN ROUNDUP IN HAWAII STATETo uphold the integrity of Hawaii’s sacred land, protect native species/plant’s ecosystems, and maintain the health and wellness of our future generations.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christine V.
Pass the Bank of Virginia Act• There is an increasing need for municipal governments and state agencies to transition to sustainable alternatives requires accessible and affordable financing • There is an increasing need for small farmers to have access to affordable credit in the state, that is inaccessible through current day financial market conditions • There is a need to decrease overall costs for financially burdened municipalities and state agencies to better allocate resources to important aspects of each entity • There is a need to decrease financial risk municipalities and state agencies are exposed to by risky corporate lending behaviors13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Austin S.
Save The Cal State Fullerton ArboretumThe Cal State Fullerton Arboretum is a classroom for children and young adults to learn about their food, medicinal plants and the environment.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mario S.
STOP Nordic Aquafarms Salmon CAFO in Belfast ME - "People's Petition"YES to Local Citizens for SMART Growth (LCSG) which was formed to raise awareness about sustainable growth for small towns and cities, including local biodiverse food systems, smart business and industry expansion, affordable housing, keeping our dollars local and supporting a fully inclusive democratic process for all citizens. FISH TANKS? NO THANKS! Like our FB page please: Local Citizens for SMART Growth https://www.facebook.com/localSMARTgrowth344 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Aimee M.
Stop the Dakota Access pipelineThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had failed to conduct a proper environmental and cultural impact study. ... The Standing Rock Sioux tribe believes that the pipeline would put the Missouri River, the water source for the reservation, and the local environment at risk.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicole M.
Natural Resource POWER PLANTIn order for humanity to thrive we have to be willing to change our destructive economy. Working with nature is the answer. Helping people while growing business should be the bottom line of any business. Allowing society to embrace healthy ways of living while living in luxury is possible. Power Plant has many great ideas of changing our world for the better. From paper to fuel to plastic, we can still go about our daily lives and have all the necessities its just time to support new resources and companies willing to do so.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by brittney y.
California Prisoners Bear the Brunt of Statewide Water ShortageIn the wake of the state’s most severe drought in memory, California Governor Jerry Brown issued mandatory statewide water restrictions that require all public agencies to reduce their water consumption by 25 percent. Officials at the 34 prisons operated by the California Department of Corrections have responded by restricting inmates' showers, ability to flush their cells' toilets, and access to laundry services and clean clothes, according to interviews with inmates. Showers are running only three days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) for a total of four hours, providing a little over an hour for hundreds of prisoners to take turns bathing on shower days. Any prisoner caught in the showers for more than 5 minutes, washing clothes while showers are running, bird bathing or flushing the toilets in their assigned cell could face disciplinary action, including 30 days added to their prison sentence (CDC-115 Rules Violation Report). Prison officials have been instructed to shut off water fountains, outdoor showers, and to stop hosing down sidewalks. As a result, California prisoners are denied water-breaks throughout the day and are refused the hygienic practice of washing off sweat after a workout. Women's prisons in particular have struggled with sanitary upkeep since the implementation of CDCR’s water conservation program. Shower and toilet restrictions affect female prisoners on their menstrual cycles most directly. CDCR’s water conservation program began in 2006 with a pilot project to install flush-restricting valves on toilets at nearly one-third of all California adult institutions, resulting in a host of unsanitary conditions ranging from foul odor to overflowing toilets. Water conservation methods have only grown more aggressive within the recent decade and California prisoners have borne the brunt of health and safety hazards associated with aggressive yet inadequate conservation planning. If California is serious about water conservation and water-use reduction in its prisons, state officials should consider developing policies that promote the depopulation of overcrowded state facilities -- starting with releasing disabled people, the elderly and non-violent offenders. Reducing the numbers of people incarcerated unnecessarily could result in significant water savings and help to make the prison environment more adaptable and suitable for rehabilitation. Other methods of reducing water waste, without violating the human rights of the imprisoned, can include updating sinks, toilets, showers, and appliances with advanced water-saving fixtures. Sign this petition to California Governor Jerry Brown asking him to immediately end all water conservation methods that violate the human rights of people in prison. Sources: http://www.latimes.com/local/political/la-me-ff-to-save-water-california-turns-off-prison-showers-20150709-story.html https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/california-prisons-are-restricting-shower-and-toilet-use-to-fight-the-historic-drought-626 http://www.insidecdcr.ca.gov/2010/04/california-prisons-reduce-water-consumption/ http://www.inmate.com/prison-articles/california-prisoners-affected-by-drought.htm5,286 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Jamani M.
Make hemp happenIt's so good for so many things and not bad for anything, it's that simple.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lonnie W.
Sequester some of your CO2Reduce air pollution. http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/coalvswind/c02c.html#.V6kyLb2wUiB5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by national algae a.
Unity Statement Against the Trans-Pacific PartnershipAt the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership was front and center in organizing meetings and on the convention floor itself. One of the key actions was a Democratic Delegates Unity Statement Against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, signed by delegates of both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. In solidarity with the Anti-TPP Unity Statement we are inviting people from all political parties to join us. We cannot stand idly by and allow another ruinous trade deal to decimate more American jobs and put our environmental, legal, financial, pharmaceutical, food safety, and other critical protections at risk. Thank you!10,858 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Susan G.
DON'T FRACK & DRILL SLAVONIAOil and gas infrastructure is not at all compatible with the image that Croatia has fought hard to carve for itself over the years: that of a naturalistic haven where tourists from all over Europe and the world come for relaxation and to enjoy its pristine beauty. Furthermore, it is the nature of the oil and gas industry to keep expanding over time: once a foothold is attained, they will inevitably try to become larger, and gobble up more and more land and beauty, until it will all be gone. The time to stop them is now. On a larger scale, extracting and burning fossil fuels is one of the main causes of climate change. About 400,000 people gathered in New York in late September asking for change. Our Earth is warming, average temperatures are increasing, ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. The choices we make today will affect our children and our children’s children.93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bogdana T.