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Biden Stop Persecuting Assange Or Lose Our VotesJournalism and media, the "fourth estate," is crucial to maintaining any democracy in any nation across the world. When it suits the US government it gives lip service to the freedom and strength of that "fourth estate." But it has persecuted Julian Assange/Wikileaks for giving the world essential information in a time of "fake news," online manipulation of news, and neo-cold war rhetoric. The US and UK must drop their case against Julian Assange and release him. His honesty and skill are much needed now.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynn F.
Tell Kari Lake to Concede the Arizona Governor's RaceThis petition is for the sake of democracy. We need a big fighting force of not only Arizonians, but also Americans to stand up to tell Kari Lake that this problem that is supposed to be centralized to Arizona has moved to the entire US. We need to tell Lake to finally concede this election to the legitimate winner Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.174 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sophia N.
Stop Big Money PoliticsOur forefathers attempted to prevent financial elites from controlling the country. Today 4 or 5 families have 50% of the wealth and can finance political campaigns through PACs with Million Dollar Plus donations without any disclosure of their names.528 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Eric S.
COVID-19 Global Solidarity ManifestoA group of around 50 people from more than 12 countries drafted the Manifesto in recent weeks. Many prominent people are supporting it. People in general are more awake to the absurdity of a planet in which the richest 8 people have more wealth than the poorest 3.8 billion than ever before as this pandemic spreads. We are circulating this widely in multiple languages to help frame the debate and actions moving forward, raising global demands that address the inequity resulting from decades of neoliberal economic policies and rampant and unbridled militarism.3,985 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Peter K.
Block BidenRecently, Joe Biden's staff did what numerous other politicians have done in the past few years. They got my email address from the DNC and started messaging me. I immediately blocked him. I thought that was the end of it, but a thought kept nagging at me. Wouldn't it be great if the Biden campaign was bombarded with rejected messages. Poll numbers do not reflect how deeply offensive Biden is to many voters. I think this will say it nicely. There are no petitions to sign. All I'm asking is, if you agree, when you see a message from Biden in your email, click on it and block it. There are several good candidates running for president under the Democratic ticket right now. Biden is not one of them. Corporate money is influencing Biden's lead in the polls. The DNC assumes they can force the other candidates out and all their supporters will automatically follow Biden. Individuals blocking Biden's messages from their email accounts would be a clear way to say "never Biden". Before it's too late and that's our only choice. tl:dr - when you see a message from Biden in your email, block it.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by j l.
G-7 World Leaders, Boycott 2020 Summit Location, TRUMP® NATIONAL DORAL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33178Any compensation that Member States have or will contribute towards any of Donald J. Trump's businesses are in violation of The United States Constitution.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Douglas W.
Term Limits for CongressI believe that it would help get money out of politics, the lobbyists would not be able to sway and pay off Congress, and the people we elect would serve our interests!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kim B.
Replace the Author of Bernie Hit Pieces with a Credible JournalistSydney Embers, the Times reporter assigned to cover the Bernie Sanders campaign, is a former analyst for BlackRock, the largest investor in coal plant developers in the world. Originally hired as an expert in advertising and marketing, she was reassigned in May of 2018 to cover politics and soon was assigned to cover the 2020 campaign of Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (sometimes sharing authorship of articles with other NYT reporters). Ms. Embers routinely failed to offer information about quoted sources -- even when their previous affiliations and statements strongly suggested anti-Sanders bias. More information can be found by searching "FAIR Sydney Embers."43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liz C.
DEAR HILLARY CLINTON: Please do NOT run for President in 2020.The question answers itself.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by harvey w.
Convene an ADEM election site in Humboldt CountyEvery two years, the California Democratic Party (CDP) holds state-wide elections in a process called Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMs). These are important Democratic Party elections where 1/3 of all delegates are elected to two-year terms to conduct the business of the CDP. There is no vote by mail or proxy voting in these elections. Debra Broner, regional director of our assembly district (AD 02), has decided to eliminate the physical election site available for the rural voters of Northern California. She has designated only one polling station - Santa Rosa, in Sonoma County - at the farthest southern edge of this vast district! However, more than 50% of registered Democrats in AD 02 live outside that county. We are asking for your help to reverse this decision. This is a significant part of the Democratic Party structure and we are being disenfranchised from participating. We can't expect our people to take one or two days off of work to drive down, vote, then drive back. We have secured the same location as prior ADEM elections. We also have enough local Democrats willing to volunteer to run the entire election. We are making this as easy as possible so that we don’t risk our lives driving needlessly down to Santa Rosa for one election. "The Republican playbook is voter suppression,” says DNC Chair Tom Perez. We read about voter disenfranchisement in the national headlines and yet now we have it here in our own rural backyards! At the same time, our California Democratic bylaws, Article VI, Section 1(a)(5) “Assembly Districts and Assembly District Meetings” specifically allow multiple meeting sites for “good cause” including “the necessity of travelling very long distances” and “traveling in hazardous weather conditions.” Northern AD-02 definitely meets these conditions especially in the wintertime. If the site is not approved, rural Democratic voters of Northern California will, in effect, be disenfranchised by their own political party!363 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Michele W.
Make NJ DSC TransparentThe Northeast Democratic Party has a reputation of being corrupt. We have to start somewhere.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elly F.
Impeach Trump and Republican agendaTrump will not release his tax returns. Trump refuses to divest himself of his vast business interests. That creates obvious conflicts of interest, especially when it come to overseas matters. That is forbidden under Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution and is grounds for impeachment. Trump should not be allowed to enrich himself and his family through sweetheart deals. Need I say more?22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shawn b.