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Impeach Joe Biden for War CrimesIt is critical that President Biden be held to account for war crimes against the Palestinian people and that United States citizens understand that he is breaking international and U.S. laws by providing military, monetary and diplomatic support for the Israeli government's extermination campaign against the Palestinian people.127 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nick M.
Biden Stop Persecuting Assange Or Lose Our VotesJournalism and media, the "fourth estate," is crucial to maintaining any democracy in any nation across the world. When it suits the US government it gives lip service to the freedom and strength of that "fourth estate." But it has persecuted Julian Assange/Wikileaks for giving the world essential information in a time of "fake news," online manipulation of news, and neo-cold war rhetoric. The US and UK must drop their case against Julian Assange and release him. His honesty and skill are much needed now.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynn F.
CANCEL AUSTRALIAN TALISMAN SABRE war games with 30,000 military personnel & also CANCEL AUKUSTalisman Sabre and AUKUS threaten to provoke war with China and destroy the environment, as well as furthering colonialism and systems of oppression. Call for Peace: Please share this petition in your networks and raise your voice against the dangerous militarization of the Pacific. To challenge Talisman Sabre and AUKUS, many Pacific region organizations including Pacific Peace Network and Independent and Peaceful Australia Network will host a "Call for Peace in the Pacific" conference on July 29 in Brisbane with speakers from across the Pacific, followed by educational events in Sydney, Canberra and Darwin. The conference will be preceded by two webinars in July with speakers on the militarization of the Pacific and Talisman Sabre and AUKUS for those unable to come to Australia for the conference. The aim of these events is to raise awareness within Australia and the Pacific region of the full impacts of allowing the US to base their military personnel, weapons, hardware and software on Pacific Sovereign Lands, by sharing the experiences of Pacific People including: 1. Complicity in wars of aggression 2. Becoming a target in the event of war 3. Loss of sovereignty 4. First People’s Lands disregarded damaged and disrespected 5. Environmental damage 6. Economic drain 7. Sidelining of national legal system 8. Impacts on women and girls The mock battlefield will be from Western Australia, across the Northern Territory and Queensland, to Jervis Bay and Norfolk Island in New South Wales. Publicly released information includes airborne troop drops near Charters Towers and amphibious lands at locations along the north and central Queensland coast, plus maritime mine-hunting near Gladstone. The RAAF Base Scherger at Cape York will play a key role. In addition, long-range fire exercises will take place in Jervis Bay with Japan’s Self-Defense Forces and air, ground and maritime exercises are set for Norfolk Island. The Darwin area will cover logistics duties while larger warships will practice naval gunnery and submarine hunting exercises offshore.1,858 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ann W.
Release Julian AssangeThis isn't about Assange, this is about a misbehaving government. When the government is caught doing bad things the first response is to attempt to discredit the person who exposed those acts. It's the government and its representatives that need to be charged, not the whistleblower -- but you already know that, you just don't want to be reprimanded. We need to have oversight of our government and we need to be thankful for those that show our government acting at their worst; that means the last thing we want to do is try to scare those that want to attest to the government’s behavior. Finally, Julian is not an American citizen and you have no jurisdiction over him to have him imprisoned or to charge him with any crimes.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Todd C.
Free Hassan Mushaima!Hassan Mushaima, a political activist, founder of the Movement for Freedom and Democracy and a well-known voice critical of King Hamad, has been arrested for his involvement in peaceful protests of the Bahreini Arab Spring. Hassan, an elderly man with cancer, is serving a life sentence in Jau Prison. He was officially arrested on charges of attempting to subvert the government. Dozens of human rights defenders and protesters have been arrested along with him, and are now serving an unjust sentence, deprived of contact with their families and forced to wear chains on their feet if they claim their right to access appropriate medical care. Hassan's arrest, a clear attempt to silence him, makes it all the more necessary and urgent to investigate his case and secure his release.3,107 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Democracy and Human Rights (.
Civilianize U.S. Army's Criminal Investigative Div. for investigation of Sexual Assault AllegationsFor decades, both female and male survivors of sexual assault in the military have had their allegations disbelieved and dismissed by their superiors in their chain of command. In addition, many survivors who have made reports of assault have been bullied and threatened by their perpetrators without intervention by the chain of command. Women service members have especially been brutalized. Most victims do not report the violence out of a well-based fear of retaliation. Many military careers have ended because of the failure of the chain of command to take allegations seriously and to properly investigate and punish those responsible. The U.S. Army culture is incapable of effectively handling allegations of sexual assault and too often the chain of command prevents proper adjudication of such serious charges. After the Navy's Tailhook sexual assault scandal two decades ago, the Navy Investigative Service (NIS) was changed into the Naval Criminal Investigative Service with a civilian director and the entire investigative structure civilianized. That Navy civilian structure stands in stark contrast to Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID), which is led by military police officers who are not criminal investigators. Army CID is also distinct from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which is not totally civilianized but does have investigative agents leading the organization. The Provost Marshal General of the U.S. Army General Donna Martin said CID has not had “significant structural change” in 20 years, “and yet we have had significant, quadrupling cases of sexual assault.” It is critical that the Army has professional civilian investigators to investigate military sexual assault charges and take the investigations out of the hands of those in the military chain of command of the perpetrators. Veterans For Peace https://www.veteransforpeace.org/ Service Women's Action Network https://www.servicewomen.org/ Austin orders new steps to curb sexual assault while panel studies the problem https://bit.ly/2Qf4ExT Should the military continue to be allowed to police itself on sexual assault? Retired general and Pentagon weigh in. https://bit.ly/3tA0Qpi Spc. Vanessa Guillen case could be Army CID’s ‘Tailhook scandal’ https://bit.ly/3bWp4nR Remove Prosecution of Sexual Assault from Military Chain of Command https://bit.ly/3r1RxNj1,666 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ann W.
Set Julian FreeSweden has the power to set Julian Assange free! The consequences of Sweden's questionalble accusations against Assange makes them responsible for all subsequent suffering, also that inflicted upon Assange in another country's prison. The Swedish government's refusal to respond properly to the UN-rapporteur against torture, Nils Melzer's report threatens - the life, health and reputation of Julian Asange - the United Nations in general, and its fight for Human Rights in particular - the freedom of expression in all countries Sweden's international reputation is at stake by ignoring the accusations in the UN reports. If Sweden does not want to adher to the UN conventions on Human Rights and against torture, they should retract their signatures. That does not, however, exempt Sweden from being responsible for breaches of the conventions in the period of membership. Get more information on www.setjulianfree.org3,922 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by John Y. J.
DO NOT EXTRADITE JULIAN ASSANGE to the USAENDORSED by the National Lawyers Guild and Veterans for Peace .... We are citizens of the United States who urge you to deny the extradition request of our government. If Julian Assange is delivered to the United States it will be a momentous setback for press freedom. The correct decision is to NOT extradite Assange for the following reasons: (1) The Extradition Treaty between the UK and USA prohibits extradition for a political offense. (Ref a) It says "extradition shall not be granted if the competent authority of the Requested State determines that the request was politically motivated." The essence of Assange's "crime" is that he published documents and videos which revealed the reality of US military and political actions. (2) Assange would not get a fair trial in the US. He has been publicly prejudged by prominent political leaders. Secretary of State Pompeo declared Wikileaks is a "non-state hostile intelligence service." (Ref b) Former Vice President Joe Biden has called Julian Assange a "hi-tech terrorist." (Ref c) (3) These charges would set a precedent where the US claims the right to seize a citizen of any country and to judge them by US laws without the rights of a US citizen. (Ref d) (4) The US breached Assange's right to client-lawyer confidentiality. During the last year at the Ecuadoran Embassy, a contractor for US authorities spied on Assange 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including during his private meetings with lawyers. (Ref e) This case goes to the heart of the public's right to know what is being done in their name. The information provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning, and published by Assange's Wikileaks, primarily concerned the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. Many people, including former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, say the invasion violated international law and breached the UN Charter. (Ref f) Yet there has been little or no accountability. Instead, US authorities seek to punish and imprison for life a journalist and publisher who dared to broadcast the actual consequences of this aggression, scenes such as shown in the video "Collateral Murder." (Ref g) The Trump administration seeks to criminalize what was previously considered a press freedom. Already the model of the Assange indictment has been copied by the Brazilian government in a criminal complaint against journalist Glenn Greenwald. A NY Times op-ed warned, "This blunt approach gives the government enormous leverage over journalists and, in the United States, provides them with a detour around First Amendment concerns. If these cases become templates that prosecutors in the United States and other nations follow, virtually every investigative reporter will become vulnerable to criminal charges and imprisonment." (Ref h) We are counting on British independence and justice. Do not extradite Julian Assange to the United States! References a) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/243246/7146.pdf b) https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/328730-cia-director-wikileaks-a-non-state-hostile-intelligence-service c) https://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/dec/19/assange-high-tech-terrorist-biden d) https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/01/23/wikileaks-editor-us-is-saying-first-amendment-doesnt-apply-to-foreigners-in-assange-case/ e) https://thegrayzone.com/2019/10/10/cia-spied-on-julian-assange-in-ecuadorian-embassy/ f) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/16/iraq.iraq g) https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/ h) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/opinion/greenwald-brazil-reporter.html5,357 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Rick S.
Stop the Prosecution of Drone Whistleblower Daniel HaleDaniel is being punished because he dared speak the truth. He has been an outspoken peace and human rights activist, attempting to warn the public about the abuses and dangers of unchecked drone warfare. Hale is a whistleblower who has enriched the public’s knowledge about matters of grave civic concern. It is unconscionable to use a law supposedly aimed at actual spies and saboteurs, against individuals who act in good faith to bring government misconduct to the attention of the public.10,723 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by William N.
G-7 World Leaders, Boycott 2020 Summit Location, TRUMP® NATIONAL DORAL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33178Any compensation that Member States have or will contribute towards any of Donald J. Trump's businesses are in violation of The United States Constitution.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Douglas W.
Bring CounterSpin Back to KPFAFairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) produces a weekly radio show (Counterspin), which began decades ago. KPFA Radio was regularly airing CounterSpin until Oct. 19, 2018, when it was abruptly taken off the air with no explanation to listeners. Please urge KPFA General Manager Quincy McCoy (gm@kpfa.org) and Program Director Kevin Cartright (pd@kpfa.org) to bring back CounterSpin to a regular slot on its program grid. FAIR, the national media watch group, was established in 1986 by co-founders Jeff Cohen, Martin Lee and others. It describes its mission as: “FAIR has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, we believe that structural reform is needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.” In the past CounterSpin aired shows featuring guests as Marjorie Cohn on the Afghan unending war, Amit Harana on deregulation, Sasha Abramsky on Trump’s new attacks on immigration, and Corey Gillan under attack by Monsanto. CounterSpin is meticulously researched and exceptionally well documented and produced. CounterSpin is in keeping with KPFA’s mission statement: * “To promote cultural diversity and pluralistic community expression. * To contribute to a lasting understanding between individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors. * To promote freedom of the press and serve as a forum for various viewpoints. * To maintain an independent funding base”. Please urge KPFA General Manager Quincy McCoy (gm@kpfa.org) and Program Director Kevin Cartright (pd@kpfa.org) to bring back CounterSpin to a regular slot on its program grid.430 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Michael L.
Stop Retaliatory Prosecution of Catholic Charity WhistleblowerBrigitte Fuzellier is a well-known charity leader and community worker who has lived in Paraguay since 1987. Kolping International hired Ms. Fuzellier, a German citizen, to run its operations in Paraguay and clean up its financial situation. Kolping is a large Catholic charity based in Cologne, Germany, that receives millions of dollars in public funds each year. Fuzellier discovered widespread and well-documented misconduct and degeneracy within Kolping’s operations in Paraguay. Rather than being used as a school, a Kolping building funded by German taxpayer money was being used as a brothel. An entire soccer team is said to have availed itself of the services in the Casa de Citas (“House of Appointments”), according to the German magazine Der Spiegel. Customers enjoyed beer and liquor before going upstairs, which was stocked with beds – “a true orgy." After reviewing Kolping's finances, Fuzellier discovered that a large chunk of €1.4 million in German and EU public funds did not go toward its intended purposes. Only after a series of investigations did Kolping repay €241,000 to the German government, according to media reports. Fuzellier has piles of documents and other evidence about many other episodes and irregularities in Paraguay. She has signed bank checks and other evidence that she says proves vast misspending of EU funds. A probe by the EU's anti-fraud office, OLAF, ended without explanation, says Fuzellier. She said a bakery worker was killed when he fell headlong into a poorly-made, makeshift production machine. Kolping fired her in 2010 and began an unabated retaliation campaign that has included public humiliation, smearing her reputation throughout her community, filing a series of dubious criminal charges, and using questionable legal tactics to limit her ability to travel. Fuzellier was convicted and only spared from prison after an international campaign raised €30,000 so she could pay a fine. As another dubious case dragged on for more than four years, she was banned from leaving Paraguay. This virtually put an end to her Eco-Loofah business, which employed hundreds of local people including members of the indigenous Macá Tribe. Now, people associated with Kolping are at it again. In December 2018 Fuzellier was re-charged with allegations of which she already has been cleared – raising questions of double jeopardy. Once again, she has been banned from leaving the country. We are rallying international support for Brigitte Fuzellier, including seeking prompt intervention by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights at the Organization of American States.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark W.