The People desire that all elections be open, honest and transparent. If we truly wish to be a dynamic, fluid, diverse and Democratic Society...then all American Citizens must be informed and stay involved! These digital/internet media outlets would provide a Public Library access to current, as well as past election materials and information...an election in progress, would be documented and made available to the public in real time. The information services provided by these media outlets, would alleviate any fears of having non informed voters.. It would also eliminate any reasons given for certain partisan elections.. such as a county coroner, for example. In certain positions, it should not be required to associate your party affiliations with job requirements..it should not be a factor. Please sign to support election TRANSPARENCY and REFORM..keep the pressure on our Public Servants to be accountable for their actions!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen R. Picture
  • Memorial and Trial
    To honor the dead and bring those responsible to account.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leon K.
  • No war
    I am a senior and too much police brutality and poverty and racism.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dharamraj N.
  • Mandatory temperature check for Mental health workers
    The OMH are not protecting workers who are in frequent contact with patients who have tested positive for the coronavirus. These people are in contact with clients 5 days 16 hours a day...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audie B.
  • Set Term Limits for Congress
    Too much malarkey in Congress, without anyone listening to their districts. Lobbying for themselves and making the poor population poorer. Time to drain the swamp in Washington D.C.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tarron L.
  • Donald Trump: Resign Now!
    Donald Trump has shown that he is not capable of leading the nation in the coronavirus emergency. He has proven that he is unable to distinguish between a national emergency and a reality TV show. He has acted like a racist mobster only interested in personal gain. His incompetence will result in the death of thousands of people. We demand that he either resign or be removed from office under the 25th amendment.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leon K.
  • Revocation of taxpayer funded benefits for Members Of Congress that violate their oath
    Too many MOC have encouraged Donald Trump and members of his administration to violate the constitution. Or, have remained silent in the face of an attack on our democracy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brendan B.
    The current president has conducted secret meetings while all other presidents in the past have always had other people present at those meetings. The Gang of Eight and the Security Council should have access to the information of these meetings.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin F.
  • Free Julien Assange
    If the U.K. and U.S.A convict Julien Assange for any reasons regarding his publishing's with Wiki Leaks, they will be in direct violation of 1st Ammendment right. of free speach. An absolute assault on the freedom of the press and the fundamental reasons this unalieble,God given right. It would undermine the foundation of America and everything it stands for. Anyone that prosecutes Assange should be tried for treason.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean M.
  • Enforce Minimum Wage for Social Security and Welfare
    We have minimum wage laws that most businesses can't get away with violating. But the government can, and does. They will say "Because benefits aren't wages". But that is dodging the question of WHY we have minimum wage laws: humaneness, simple morality. We have laws protecting animals. Humans need to be protected too! The fact that so many people receive unconscionably low benefits, IF THEY GET THEM AT ALL!- (Another problem!)- - is a significant factor creating poverty, homelessness, illness, and an EPIDEMIC OF SUICIDES. NEITHER PARTY HAS CARED TO ADDRESS THIS FOR DECADES! SHAME ON B O T H PARTIES! They will say "We can't afford it!" But we can always afford bogus wars, and rich people pay ZERO tax for Social Security on income above $128,400, as of 2018! Stop the Wars, and make the rich pay their fair share! It is up to the American people to hold "our representatives" ' feet to the fire, or REPLACE THEM!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger B.
  • Repeal of the Jones Act
    Because it’s having a heavy impact on Puerto Rico’s economy. It’s also making it much harder for Puerto Rico to get basic necessities at a reasonable price when American citizens need it most.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WILFREDO P.
  • Amend Presidential Eligibility (Candidates Conduct and Good Moral Character Vetting)
    This is critically important as our increasingly diverse culture and divided Nation has created gaps in expectations of enforceable Standards of Ethical Conduct (as required for employees of our government's Executive Branch and every member of our Department of Defense). Leaders must exemplify agreed Standards.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reneé M.