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COVID-19 Манифест на глобалната солидарностКризата с COVID-19 разкри неотложността на промяната на глобалните структури на неравенство и насилие. Ние, хората по света, ще използваме този исторически момент.363 of 400 SignaturesCreated by COVID-19 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY COALITION -.
COVID-19 Das Manifest für Globale SolidaritätDie COVID-19-Krise hat offenbart wie dringend angezeigt es ist, die globalen Strukturen von Ungleichheit und Gewalt nachhaltig zu verändern. Wir, die Menschen dieser Welt, werden diesen historischen Moment nicht ungenutzt verstreichen lassen13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by COVID-19 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY COALITION -.
범세계적 코로나19 세계 연대 선언 2020년코로나19 (COVID-19)라는 위기로 인해, 세계에 만연한 불공평과 폭력의 사회구조를 시급히 바꾸지 않으면 안 될 필요성이 분명해졌습니다. 세계 속에 함께 살아가는 우리는 이 역사적 순간을 중요한 기회로 맞이하고자 합니다.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by COVID-19 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY COALITION -.
Manifesto Global de Solidariedade COVID-19A crise do COVID-19 revelou a urgência de mudar as estruturas globais de desigualdades e violência. Nós, pessoas de todo o mundo, não deixaremos passar esse momento histórico.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by COVID-19 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY COALITION -.
COVID-19 Manifeste de solidarité globaleLa crise du COVID-19 a révélé l’urgence de changer les structures mondiales d’inégalité et de violence. Nous, peuples du monde entier, saisissons donc ce moment historique pour construire la solidarité à tous les niveaux : local, national, mondial.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by COVID-19 GLOBAL SOLIDARITY COALITION -.
G-7 World Leaders, Boycott 2020 Summit Location, TRUMP® NATIONAL DORAL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33178Any compensation that Member States have or will contribute towards any of Donald J. Trump's businesses are in violation of The United States Constitution.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Douglas W.
End outside money in electionsMost of Congress’s time is now spent chasing money for campaigns. We cannot have a government controlled by money and expect to preserve democracy.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roberta P.
Remove tax-exempt status from the NRAThe NRA uses this money to buy congress members' votes through lobbying activities that are corrupt, and not what the overwhelming majority of the citizens of the United States want. What we want is REASONABLE gun laws. Automatic, semi-automatic, bumpstocks, high capacity clips should only be in the hands of the military. More people die of gun deaths here by astronomical levels than in any other country. We are not taking away anyone's 2nd amendment, we simply want to make it sane. Less people dying of gun deaths is sane! Giving the NRA tax-exemptions is insane. Do you really think law enforcement entities want to be outgunned? No, less law enforcement people will lose their lives as a result of sane gun laws. Go to csgv.org/nra-tax-exempt-loaded-private-interest/ for more great information to support this petition.3,475 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Terri G.
Make NJ DSC TransparentThe Northeast Democratic Party has a reputation of being corrupt. We have to start somewhere.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elly F.
Giving politics back to the peopleNo corporations, non-profits, superPACS, churches, political action committees, or any other entity is allowed to donate. This government is of the people, by the people, and for the people and the PEOPLE should be the only ones allowed to donate. That way our representatives can no longer be bought and paid for my corporate America and/or wealthy individuals. Our representitives will no longer be beholden to their wealthiest donors and they will actually be beholden to the will of their constituents. One person, one vote.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mathias S.
Climate "Vote" with your Credit CardClimate Change is our most urgent common problem and legislators are not responsive to "we, the people" because of fossil fuel money! I wrote my SunTrust and asked them to live up to their name. Sierra Club offers a Green Visa and Environmental Defense Fund has Bank of America MasterCard, but big banks need to do more! Think Fox/O'Reilly when customers boycotted their products to get fast results!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by G'ma Deb A.
SHUT DOWN THE CPD (Commission on Presidential Debates)The CPD has perpetrated fraud on the American People since its inception in 1987. The Democrats and Republicans have colluded with mainstream media, the 1%, wall street, and the military/industrial/fake war complex (among others), to keep the public uninformed on all candidates running for POTUS by creating arbitrary polling threshholds rigged by the MSM. This is in direct opposition to their mission statement. For these treasonous crimes they should be shut down.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly G.