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To: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, 168th District Court El Paso Texas

Danger! American Citizens are at great Risk in Losing their Freedom and Liberty!

Petition Text

Bilal has been treated as if guilty until proven innocent and has been serving going on a 9 year sentence without being found guilty of any crime. Bilal is innocent of the charges filed against him in Cause No. #20160D01015, El Paso Texas. He has been oppressively, excessively and illegally held going on 9 years in Pre-trial Detention in the El Paso County Jail Annex by Judge Lizarraga. Bilal has no other pending charges, he has no State or Federal Blue warrants nor holds, he has no felony conviction history, Bilal was a working man and Father of 3 children who were 5, 3 and 1 when he was incarcerated. Now they are 13, 11 and 9.

The El Paso District and Appellate Court have severed his constitutional rights to bail and Habeas Corpus, Texas Constitution Article 1, Section 11 and 12, see e.g. Exparte Muhammad, 2023 Tex.App.Lexis 7531 at *1-2 : Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Bilal has tried to appeal before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in 2016 (PD-0844-16), 2019 (PD-1332-18), 2022 (PD-0357-22), and 2023 (PD-0357-22), and 2024 (PD-0813-23) and has been before the 8th Court of Appeals at least 9 times in trying to get out on a reasonable bond. We ask that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals hear his petition for the Great Writ of Habeas Corpus most recently filed (PD-0357-22) and grant him relief as the State was not ready for trial within 90 days of his original arrest in 2015, and/or within 90 days of his wrongful bond revocation in 2021. So his bail can be no higher than $10K per Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Articles 17.028 and 17.151.
Please give Bilal Muhammad his liberty and stop treating him as guilty until proven innocent or else we have no trust in the Justice System, Courts and Judges as to their fairness and their sworn duty to uphold our rights, freedom and liberty under constitutional and statutory law.

Why is this important?

If they can take away our American right and status quo of liberty, until and if ever found guilty of a crime without any conviction, then not only can they do it to Bilal Muhammad, but you, your loved ones and your families and friends. There is a saying that if they take away the rights of one person, then we are all in danger of losing those rights. So I'm asking all American people to stand together as one to stop this offense for our liberty, so that we can remain a free people.


2024-03-10 13:40:30 -0400

10 signatures reached