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To: Leaders of All Nations, and of the United Nations

Petition for a United Nations Peace Conversion Conference

Petition Text

We, the undersigned, ask the leaders of all nations and of the United Nations to organize a United Nations Peace Conversion Conference, to make practical plans to move away from warfare and military confrontation in international affairs, and phase out military industries, with an orderly transition to peaceful and sustainable production to meet the growing demands of climate change, and to meet basic human needs worldwide.

Why is this important?

Warfare is obsolete, and is destroying the human environment, slaughtering innocent people, exhausting the world economy, and generating tens of millions of desperate refugees.

I’m asking all people and groups to call for a United Nations Peace Conversion Conference, to make practical plans to move away from warfare and military confrontation in international affairs, and phase out military industries, with an orderly transition to peaceful production to meet basic human needs worldwide.

We taxpayers support a military-industrial complex which generates endless warfare, and has set up a complex and edgy thermonuclear weapons confrontation involving nine nuclear-armed nations.

Many nations today would join the call for a United Nations Peace Conversion Conference. We can each be the center of a Worldwide Peace Conversion Network, living peace conversion with each other as we do this delightful work.



2016-04-22 17:59:07 -0400

Peace Conversion Now, Earth Day, April 22, 2016
Dear friends, We are creating a Worldwide Peace Conversion Community! Words are creating reality. Everyone is ready for Peace Conversion.
Peace Conversion is the key survival issue facing the human race today. I believe we are giving name to a strong Peace Conversion movement happening on many levels.
Worldwide arms were a $1.7 trillion industry last year. We need to make plans for an orderly transition to livelihood based on solving basic human problems, not creating more.
--John Lewallen

2016-03-26 00:26:31 -0400

100 signatures reached

2016-03-25 00:58:23 -0400

50 signatures reached

2016-03-24 20:43:32 -0400

25 signatures reached

2016-03-24 19:23:21 -0400

10 signatures reached