To: Democrat Candidates for President
Climate Change is KILLING our Planet. Politicians & Corporations MUST take IMMEDIATE ACTION
Petition Text
Implement Climate Change Policy, Budget and Legislation for IMMEDIATE response to the threat of Climate Change
Why is this important?
Climate Change is a reality. ACTION to stop man-made carbon dioxide is an EMERGENCY and the timeline is MOST URGENT now. Deniers are operating in the interests of fossil-carbon-based industries. Fixing the man-made contributions of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere is far more URGENT than politicians and multi-national corporations realize. The deniers scoff at the conclusions of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the guidelines they provided in 2006. The IPCC was founded in 1988. It took 18 years just to produce agreed-upon guidelines acceptable to all the nations that were part of the IPCC. Even with the massive effort needed to transform the American (and the rest of the world's) economy to a wholly renewable, sustainable carbon-neutral fuel system with best efforts and total support from government and corporate policies, even with enthusiasm and all haste in supporting the efforts it will take several years to accomplish this kind of change. Setting timeline goals of 2030 and 2050 is no guarantee that these measures will be effective enough to avoid billions (yes, billions!) of deaths as a result of Climate Change. Some scientists even claim that we may reach a point, very soon, that the effects of Climate Change will accelerate, feeding on the current effects themselves to continue in a self-sustaining way. We have arrived at a point that politicians have noticed that Climate Change requires attention. We need to make them (and corporate CEOs) aware just how URGENT an EMERGENCY this is, and to take massive and IMMEDIATE action to address this global problem. This is no time to spend another 18 years of debate to produce nothing but more guidelines. As one politician has said, we need to put ourselves, "On a war footing" as we did in gearing up for WWII. The USA reacted with fast-paced and transformative changes. We need immediate results on that scale and we need it NOW. Despite critticism of the cost, there is also huge economic opportunity in this transition. There is no one to fight here, no bombs or guns can defeat it. It cannot be condensed into the single face of an enemy but it is the world's problem, and we must unite to defeat this common foe. We must hold our politicians and corporate leaders responsible to take IMMEDIATE and MASSIVE WORLDWIDE ACTION to create worldwide infrastructure in support of sustainable, renewable fuel that does not put fossil carbon into an atmosphere already overloaded with climate changing elements. Contact your local politician. Demand change!