50 signatures reached
To: Our Revolution
Our Revolution: Hire Judy Frankel

Petition Text
I urge Our Revolution to hire Judy Frankel as their Community Outreach and Public Relations staffer. Frankel will be an asset to your organization because she reaches an audience of more than one million people through radio guest spots, the anti-GMO movement, and her Huffington Post blog.
For five and a half years, Judy Frankel has been working on bringing new blood to Washington. Singling out Congress as our greatest opportunity to foster change, she created a free federal elections website called Writeindependent.org that showed all the candidates platforms in one place. She then obtained the signature of 61 candidates in 2012 for her "Pledge for Honest Candidates" to get money out of politics, stop gerrymandering and the revolving door.
I oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, and Frankel explains why it's bad in her radio spots so that voters know who to support and who to kick out of Congress. I want to see Citizens United overturned, and Frankel supports California's Proposition 59 and volunteers for Wolf-PAC. I am interested in reform of our elections process, and through Huffington Post, Frankel has written about election irregularities in California. I want to see a return to paper ballots, and Frankel included it in the new and improved Pledge for Honest Candidates.
As a member of many grassroots, progressive organizations and a tireless activist, Judy personally knows the leaders of teams fighting Citizens United, rigged ballot boxes, fossil fuels, GMOs, campaign finance bribery, and corruption in government in all its forms. She has been involved with the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, Money Out Voters In, Food Democracy Now!, Label GMOs, GMO Free USA, California Clean Money, Democracy Awakening, RiggedElection.org, WatchtheVoteUSA.com, and Democratic clubs from the South Bay of Los Angeles to the Valley in California. She shot/edited/posted videos to train activists, canvassed for Bernie, tabled events, campaigned for a local City Council member, made phone bank calls, collected signatures on petitions, and has given presentations to veterans, Kiwanis, high schools, colleges, and Democratic clubs. You can see all the radio shows she's done at her website: insearchofthenextPOTUS.com/meet-judy/.
Frankel studied Public Relations at Steve Harrison's National Publicity Summit and the Quantum Leap Program. She knows how to write compelling press releases and how to pitch the media to get free publicity. Frankel will work with Our Revolution to craft effective messaging, an enticing slogan, and to develop a pinpoint strategy for teaching voters WIIFM (What's In It For Me?) when they vote for a candidate endorsed by Our Revolution.
The challenge of Our Revolution is educating those who aren't already Bernie followers so they understand how this revolution helps them. Judy Frankel is the ideal advocate for taking on such a task, and she needs Our Revolution's support. I have confidence that she will do an amazing job. Please hire her and she will take your organization to the next level!
For five and a half years, Judy Frankel has been working on bringing new blood to Washington. Singling out Congress as our greatest opportunity to foster change, she created a free federal elections website called Writeindependent.org that showed all the candidates platforms in one place. She then obtained the signature of 61 candidates in 2012 for her "Pledge for Honest Candidates" to get money out of politics, stop gerrymandering and the revolving door.
I oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, and Frankel explains why it's bad in her radio spots so that voters know who to support and who to kick out of Congress. I want to see Citizens United overturned, and Frankel supports California's Proposition 59 and volunteers for Wolf-PAC. I am interested in reform of our elections process, and through Huffington Post, Frankel has written about election irregularities in California. I want to see a return to paper ballots, and Frankel included it in the new and improved Pledge for Honest Candidates.
As a member of many grassroots, progressive organizations and a tireless activist, Judy personally knows the leaders of teams fighting Citizens United, rigged ballot boxes, fossil fuels, GMOs, campaign finance bribery, and corruption in government in all its forms. She has been involved with the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, Money Out Voters In, Food Democracy Now!, Label GMOs, GMO Free USA, California Clean Money, Democracy Awakening, RiggedElection.org, WatchtheVoteUSA.com, and Democratic clubs from the South Bay of Los Angeles to the Valley in California. She shot/edited/posted videos to train activists, canvassed for Bernie, tabled events, campaigned for a local City Council member, made phone bank calls, collected signatures on petitions, and has given presentations to veterans, Kiwanis, high schools, colleges, and Democratic clubs. You can see all the radio shows she's done at her website: insearchofthenextPOTUS.com/meet-judy/.
Frankel studied Public Relations at Steve Harrison's National Publicity Summit and the Quantum Leap Program. She knows how to write compelling press releases and how to pitch the media to get free publicity. Frankel will work with Our Revolution to craft effective messaging, an enticing slogan, and to develop a pinpoint strategy for teaching voters WIIFM (What's In It For Me?) when they vote for a candidate endorsed by Our Revolution.
The challenge of Our Revolution is educating those who aren't already Bernie followers so they understand how this revolution helps them. Judy Frankel is the ideal advocate for taking on such a task, and she needs Our Revolution's support. I have confidence that she will do an amazing job. Please hire her and she will take your organization to the next level!
Why is this important?
Our Revolution needs a West Coast presence to further their mission of electing trustworthy candidates and passing groundbreaking initiatives.
How it will be delivered
I will be sending the Executive Director, Shannon Jackson, the link to this petition via email when I have enough signatures.