To: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel
Swap Julian Assange against Aiden Aslin!

Petition Text
In the Lugansk and Donezk Peoples Republic, there is the british native Aiden Aislin sentenced to death for committing crimes against the russian people in the Ukraine. He has admitted his crimes and gave testimonies about those crimes committed by him and his fellow soldiers. He seeks help for avoiding his fate, among others from the british government. The british government has so far done nothing to assist him in any way.
I suggest a prisoner swap of Aiden Aislin against Julian Assange.
A right wing criminal murdering people for their nationality - thus representing the core of british policy - against a left wing journalist who's crime consists of telling the world about such type of criminals and their actions - thus representing the complete contrary to british mentality.
A perfect match: Some british scum that nobody in the rest of the world wants to see in their neighborhood against a guy that the majority of people in britain wants to get rid of!
What the british government would have to do to save two lives and to enable both men to get respectively to a society where they are valued for their actions, is to start negotiations with the LDPR representatives.
I suggest a prisoner swap of Aiden Aislin against Julian Assange.
A right wing criminal murdering people for their nationality - thus representing the core of british policy - against a left wing journalist who's crime consists of telling the world about such type of criminals and their actions - thus representing the complete contrary to british mentality.
A perfect match: Some british scum that nobody in the rest of the world wants to see in their neighborhood against a guy that the majority of people in britain wants to get rid of!
What the british government would have to do to save two lives and to enable both men to get respectively to a society where they are valued for their actions, is to start negotiations with the LDPR representatives.
Why is this important?
Why important? Well: I am far from pressing anybody into action! Its simply the possibility to save two lives at the same time. Two men that found themselves in the complete wrong environment, circumvented by life threatening enemies only. So: Why not let them both swap their places? BOTH governments are exorbitantly unhappy with their prisoners - to the point where they would want to get them executed or at least imprisoned for life time -, and both governments would be exorbitantly happy withe the respective opposite guy in their midst.