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To: United Nations Organization and the H.R.Os.

Save Pakistani Shia Muslims from the Terror and Inquisition

Petition Text

Stop killing the innocent people, Doctors, Engineers, Officers and Clerics and pressure the state of Pakistan to support the nation, do not stand with the terror groups, punish the criminals, arrest their big ones, disarm them, and to serve the country's constitution and assure the security of the people that live in this country; and If it fails, the UNO itself should take action and save the people of Pakistan especially the Shia Muslims, as human beings from oppression and terrorists. Terrorists kill the people and the state punish them as well, while the terrorists are free to do what the Wahhabism commands. Our innocent youngsters are arrested, tortured and even hanged and the murderers are being freed from the prisons while their crimes are proven.
There is a census going on in Pakistan and the state has added new questions to the questions common in census process. The government officials ask the Shia Muslim some sectarian and unusual questions and the Shia Muslims are facing the medieval Inquisition state. We demand the international human rights organization to stop the Inquisition of Shia Muslims of Pakistan.

Why is this important?

This is important because Shia Muslims of Pakistan are suffering from target killings, bomb blasts, suicide attacks resulting in massacres, genocide and long-lasting blockades of the Shia populations, where there the state's hands are obvious as well. As well as the Shia Muslims are facing sectarian Inquisition in the census started by the state. If the Human Rights Organizations consider the Pakistani Nation as a Human mass, and if they will take a step towards the researches and investigations, they will find the facts even not yet been discussed and will be the cause of immediate action internationally.
In Parachinar _ north western frontier region of Parachinar [capital city of tribal Kurram agency], two intense bomb blasts within 2 months and martyrdom of more than 50 men, women and children, is the new update of this major Shia region of Pakistan which has been cruelly besieged by the Pakistan army and frontier corps troops!
After that, instead of solving the security problem, in a shameful act, the Pakistan army started digging a ditch around the city. The ditch is like a wound on the body of this beautiful city. For digging the dich the army is destroying the lands, farms and gardens of the local people and while the local people are being separated by the that. Pedestrians of the countryside to the city are severely disturbed.
This is specifically noteworthy that the ditch is being dug on the suggestion of the terrorist organizations, who want to oust the genuine citizens and occupy the city and its suburbs with the help of government forces.
There is a remote Shia village namely Gawdar in so-called central Kurram [FR Kurram], which has survived safely in recent decade of terrorists and the state imposed war on Parachinar and suburbs due to some tribal customs and treaties but on 25 April 2017, when [Mullah] Col. Umar, FC Commandment on Kurram battalion visited this area, just two days later, an antitank mine or a handmade bomb exploded in the way of a minibus bearing Shia passengers of Gowdar village including women and children and most of them were killed cold-bloodedly.
This is the twenty-first century’s Pakistan, a nuclear power and a member of the United Nations!
But whether the UNO cannot force its member to respect the minimum rights of its citizens?

How it will be delivered

We will deliver this petition through Wattsapp, Telgram, Facebook, linkedin, and some news websites.



2017-04-01 23:25:32 -0400

100 signatures reached

2017-04-01 20:11:18 -0400

When the people will know what's going on, they will give more attention to the facts. The fresh incident of killing 25 and injuring more than 90 innocent people - including women and children - by the Saudi backed and the state backed terrorists in north western city "Parachinar" will provoke the people to save their own future from the terrorist attacks and they will sign the petition which is a very soft and civilized action. Wish the best for all.

2017-03-31 07:18:35 -0400

50 signatures reached

2017-03-06 22:57:59 -0500

25 signatures reached

2017-02-25 18:12:28 -0500

10 signatures reached

2017-02-25 10:29:07 -0500

This petition needs more attention.