• Hold the insurance industry accountable for its many abuses.
    For the last 3 decades, many Americans whether they are regular patients, injured workers or veterans are being denied access to real medical care and other benefits. This effects the poorer folks, the elderly, minorities, the disabled & the sick. Under the Affordable Care Act, this was to stop. It has not. The conditions to deny are worse.Why? Because the insurance industry has impunity against its many humane rights abuses which include denial and refusal of the proper medical care, paying for the wrong care & "care" that will make a patient medical condition worse which will create more injuries or illnesses. such as injecting patients with unknown drugs that not only make the condition worse but actually harms the patient immeasurable for life, preventing them from ever working again. Patients that try to fight back in getting the right care or speaking against the denial or refusal of medical care are retaliated against. One way is to have them under constant and illegal surveillance, in many cases, years of surveillance even by local or top law enforcement such as the FBI. Surveillance that involves stalking the patient while out in public and public or private business and while in vehicles with GPS monitoring and causing car accidents, phone tapping, computer hacking, breaking & entering a patient's home or other owned properties. The police break into patients homes under guise that there are illegal drugs in the home. Private investigators are hired to go into churches to spy on ill or injured patients. There is also the theft of U.S.mail evidence that could prove to win against the insurers. Patients are now claiming that they are afraid of their medications and their food being tampered with. Patients or family members who try and speak out for themselves or their families have been stopped by police, looking for "drugs" and or arrested with no charge. Then there are the insurance doctors reports that are falsely altering medical reports and these same doctors will then deem these patients as mental cases. Now it is happening to our veterans, those who are coming came back from the wars in the Mideast. After listening to patients and injured workers for many years, it has become quite clear that being injured or ill makes one a target of inhumane treatment which includes not getting their right medical care treatment or any other benefit. The SSA & Medicare (tax payer money) should not be the only insurance companies to pick up the tab for insurers who continue to ultimately deny any rightful and owed benefits. This has to stop! AND the only way is for our leadership in our Washington D.C. leadership should hold the insurance cartel/monopoly fully accountable with enforcement of the laws that guarantee us our civil, constitutional & human rights. No insurer should have impunity or immunity that results in the delays and denials for the right to receive medical treatment and benefits or in the targeting with inhumane AND illegal practices on those of whom are the most vulnerable, the sick and injured.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DINA P.
  • Keep Nestle Out of the Cascades!
    Help keep Oregon beautiful, natural, independent, and HEALTHY! If you live in, or care about, the state of Oregon then there is something happening that you should know about. Cascade Locks is trying to sell Nestle rights to Oregon's water and permission to build a bottling plant in our state without so much as a by-your-leave from the Oregonians who currently own this water and who will be affected by this plant. If you do not already know why this would be a problem I invite you to take a moment to look at Nestle's recent actions around the world: http://www.corp-research.org/nestle and how Californians feel about the deals they made with Nestle now that they have the benefit of hindsight http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/20/nestle-water-bottling-california-drought This is an invasive and abusive company that will promise anything to get in and then, once they are established, they proceed to ignore any and all restrictions or complaints about their abuses unless they are constantly and very aggressively enforced. You can see the destructive pattern repeated over and over in Colorado, California, China, and South America. The jobs they promise the community either mysteriously never seem to manifest or they are minimum wage and temp jobs while all high pay positions are filled with imported personnel. Meanwhile the plant continues to sprawl across the previously gorgeous countryside and suck up increasingly precious clean water. Once Nestle owns water rights they are NEVER so stupid as to sell them back again (that alone should indicate that you have something more valuable than what they are offering for it) and it becomes almost impossible to effectively enforce water usage restrictions, as California is discovering. Oregon has some of the most beautiful and unspoiled wetlands in the world, and fresh, clean WATER IS THE MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE IN THE WORLD. Nestle knows that. They see the droughts rampaging across the entire globe and they know how pricelessly precious these springs and aquifers are, so they will offer any price to acquire them and then never let them go. I don't want these unscrupulous profit-hounds anywhere near us, but since Nestle has gone behind the public's back (after the Cascade Locks community rejected their proposals multiple times) nobody plans on giving any of us a real say! This will not simply affect the Cascade Locks area. This is upstream of a lot of other Oregonians who are being given NO say whatsoever in this decision even though they also depend upon this water source. I plan on yelling directly at the Oregon Water Resources board, Governor Kate Brown, and the Cascade Locks City Council to let them know I will NOT quietly sit by while they sell off our most precious natural resource, all on the promises of a known liar! I invite you to join me.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Meghan O.
  • Address Palestine's Security Concerns
    Palestine is under brutal occupation, with thousands of their citizens being killed every year. The U.S. protects the security of those who oppress them; it needs to protect Palestinian security, also.
    1,089 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert F.
  • Peace & Planet Call for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
    2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the United States atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It also marks 45 years since the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) entered into force, obligating all States parties to undertake good faith negotiations for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Instead, the world’s nuclear-armed nations are spending over $100 billion per year to maintain and modernize their nuclear arsenals. The danger of wars among nuclear-armed States is growing, and with it the threat of unimaginable death and suffering. From April 27 – May 22, 2015 representatives of the 189 members of the NPT, including the original nuclear-armed States (the U.S., Russia, the U.K, France, and China) will come together at the United Nations in New York City to review the Treaty’s operation. The recent Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons set up the potential for a direct challenge to the nuclear- armed States: States not possessing nuclear weapons will be demanding a new diplomatic process to achieve nuclear disarmament. It is long past time for the world’s governments to implement the global obligation to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world. We are at a crucial juncture, a time when the unresolved tensions of a deeply inequitable society, great power ambitions, and the destructive effects of an unsustainable economic system are exploding into overlapping crises. This petition campaign is part of the Peace & Planet Mobilization for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World. In a demonstration of their determination to build a fair, democratic, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful future, people will gather in New York City and around the world for international days of action April 24 – 26, 2015.
    1,244 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jackie C.
  • Ban offshore banking
    It has been estimated that over a trillion dollars in profits earned by the largest and richest Fortune 500 corporations are being deposited in offshore banks in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere in order to avoid paying U.S, income tax. This deprives the U.S. Treasury of billions of dollars in tax revenue; money that could go toward infrastructure, healthcare, and education.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald D.
  • Audit the Federal Reserve
    For too long (over a century) the Federal Reserve Board has been shielded legally from disclosing its financial dealings to "We the People", yet it has sweeping power to tax US citizens and to spend such income in any fashion that it desires, including bailout of "too-big-to-fail" banks, financing its favorite major corporations and "rescuing" other national currencies. Additionally, the Federal Reserve has printed trillions of dollars to intentionally inflate our currency, making our hard-earned money worth less, while it destroys savings and retirement funds. This deliberate attack on middle income Americans continues because Congress also benefits from the availability to "loose money", enabling them to fund pork-barrel projects and thus ensuring their re-election. Although the name "Federal Reserve" appears to give it the appearance of being a real Federal Agency, it is truly NOT a Federal agency, but is a BANKING CARTEL, given a misleading name so as to deceive the American people. Currently, Janet Yellen, the head of the Federal Reserve Board, is leading a campaign aimed at Congress to block any legislation which would require the Federal Reserve to become transparent in its operations. Criminals prefer to operate in secrecy. Truly the Federal Reserve is the largest Ponzi scheme ever devised ... defrauding US citizens of not millions or even billions of dollars, but multiple TRILLIONS of dollars! If Congress will pass a bill that requires a full, publicly available audit of Federal Reserve operations and financial dealings, then the result will be immediate outrage by American citizens at the Fed's massive plunder of our financial system. Once aware, our outage will bring swift reform to the banking industry and likely result in many criminal prosecutions. The House of Representatives has already passed legislation which would require a full audit of the Fed. However, both Republican and Democrat Senators continually kill such bills. Your support of this petition can finally bring an end to the massive looting of our economy by the 1% !!!!
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George M.
  • Marriott: Don’t Host Urban Shield!
    The militarized lockdown and attack on Ferguson's Black community is not an anomaly. Police repression is growing across the US and globally through coordinated efforts to militarize policing tactics and weapons. Local police departments are now directly funded by the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense. From September 4th-8th, one such DHS-backed program, Urban Shield, will be hosted by Oakland's Marriott Hotel Convention Center through a contract with the City of Oakland. This event - hosting SWAT training, national and transnational police networking, and weaponry sales - is coordinated by the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI.) UASI is an initiative in which the St. Louis area police actively participate. The military tanks, tear-gas, rubber bullets and SWAT armor attacking the people of Ferguson are there because of these programs. People across communities are rising up to resist policing. We cannot allow this engine of state repression to continue. Take a stand with War Resisters League and our partners in Oakland to oppose Marriott's profiteering from the militarized repression of our communities. Build pressure against Urban Shield and the Marriott Hotel - sign and share this petition as a nonviolent demonstration of people power!
    3,775 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ali I.
  • U.S. House of Representatives must immediately pass the Green New Deal and Medicare For All
    Americans, who mostly support these two bills, need assurance from our Congress members that the future is toward care of the Earth, its people and life itself. The 2020 Democratic Party Platform ahead of Nov. 3rd will be greatly enhanced in its power if the House takes action now on these two sweeping policy programs.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sidney M.
  • Merger of Sprint and T-Mobile
    Not only would this merger narrow choices for everybody, it would ultimately increase costs for those who can afford it least. Perhaps even more important is the hold that Crown Prince Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia would have on our population. He is a major shareholder in Softbank, an international holding company that already effectively controls 85 percent of Sprint. Should this occur, then, according to Trita Parsi, "Softbank will gain a 27 percent stake overall in what would become one of the largest US mobile providers in the United States. This would give the repressive Saudi dictatorship influence in the creation of America's first 5G network."
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne H.
  • A Proposal to Amend the US Constitution to Recall Members of Congress
    The proposal is for a Constitutional Amendment for a recall provision to be enforceable against a sitting Member of Congress. This recall provision would provide more regular and continuous oversight of elected public officials to ensure their responsiveness to the Will of the People. The People should not tolerate an incompetent or corrupt or unresponsive elected official exhibiting a willful disregard of those represented, particularly when they serve in Congressional leadership positions affecting the Nation at large. Why should the American People have to wait until that elected official's term of office expires? For example, it is evident that the current Congress' priorities and actions do not reflect the Will of the People. In blatant disregard to that Will, the leadership in Congress has, when in the minority, obstructed Justice by manipulating the Rules of Congress to require more than a majority vote when, by their own precedent, no supermajority vote was previously required. Senators and Representatives are on official public record for abusing the right to filibuster to force delays and otherwise obstruct the good faith business of Congress. When in the majority, they have passed laws providing for unfair advantage in electoral processes, redistricting federal districts unrepresentative of the demographics of States, all to ensure a "safe" district for their party. This is in blatant disregard of general rules of good government. This government was based on a simple principle of majority rule with minority rights. The factions in Congress have forced minorities to find super-majorities to overcome the abuses to procedural rules. If this principle is to be a precedent, then the People can employ that same principle, the right of a relatively small minority of the electorate to force a recall election of an official acting in bad faith. It is the hope of the People that such a threat of recall will deter and/or penalize our elected representatives from taking political positions that offend the clear majority of US Citizens not otherwise represented. The system of campaign finance combined with professional lobbying has so corrupted the process of legislating that the majority of Americans feel disenfranchised and politically alienated from their government. It is the only way to create a counter-balance to all the special interests and single-issue groups who now dominate the time and attention of the Legislature. Further, these political pressures have made it impossible for our Representatives to consider anything other than their own short-term interests and political advantages, thereby ignoring what is in the long-term best interests of the American People. At a minimum, it is the hope that such a recall provision will effectively stymie an official intent on pursuing such a conflict of interest between themselves and their electorate, constantly occupying them, instead, with the threat of needing to campaign in perpetual recall elections. It has long been the right, in many State Courts, to file what is known as a "Writ of Mandamus" against any public official who is acting in an arbitrary or capricious manner, usually without reference to the facts or the rule of law. However, no such right exists at the Federal level. Given our current history, the wisdom of such a Constitutional Amendment is clear. Never has the need been greater. Current events are now witness to the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, announcing in public that he will not call for hearings, under any circumstances, to confirm a Constitutionally mandated Presidential nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States. There is no legal precedent, and no precedent of Congress for this action. It is clearly an arbitrary and capricious act designed to bring about a political result. This is in contravention to the clear original intent of the US Constitution and the current Will of the People. Under his "stewardship" the People have witnessed the repeated abuse of the Rules of the Senate in order to obstruct virtually every legislative initiative of our duly elected President. The People cannot wait to "vote him out of office." The power of the incumbency is so great that he may never be voted out - even against the popular vote of his own electorate. This hurts all of us, not just those in his home State. There are Supreme Court cases that need the ninth Justice to decide them. With the Senate Rules and the Electoral Rules being abused, daily, this obstructionist faction (that clearly does not believe in any proper role of government or any acceptable level of taxation or spending) continues to gain power in Congress. Such policies amount to Sedition and Treason in the traditi
    354 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Peter K.
  • repeal the 1947 NSA ACT and bury the NSA + CIA
    The CIAs "Third World War" (1947-now) is the third bloodiest war in the history of the world. This is our (trillions and counting) Tax Dollars At Work. Imagine what positive effects that money could have accomplished, with no bloodshed or destruction. Major inroads on poverty,poor health,clean water,illiteracy....? Cheap word wide Solar Energy? Nuclear and other toxic waste solutions?
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arkhi B.