• Free Leonard Peltier
    Leonard Peltier was convicted of murder on "cooked" evidence after the Oglala uprising and has been in prison for over 40 years. He is suffering from cancer and should be pardoned, at the very least on humanitarian grounds. If there was really equal justice in this country, those responsible for poisoning the people of Flint, MI, for example, would be convicted and imprisoned. Peltier is not guilty, and testimony proves it. He is being held because the FBI insists on punishing him for an act he did not commit. For information on this case, see "Incident at Oglala" -- a film by Robert Redford.
    21,237 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Georgann W.
  • Teach Peace Now
    Peace helps everyone
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhett S.
  • Cancer in a Texas prison
    It's important because our loved ones die every day in Texas prisons. We are lead to believe that our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc... are just fine and the truth is far from it. My father died of cancer this past month and I feel that they could have let myself and our family know something. I know my father did wrong but to die in prison of cancer is not right. With little to no care or treatment, it was cruel and just wrong. They had more than enough time to tell me. You don't just wake up one day and have stage 4 lung cancer. There are stages that can't be over looked. My father suffered, I want answers and I'm not going to stop. I'm my father's only last hope and I feel no one should die from cancer in prison just because they don't want to pay for their care.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sabrina G.
  • Confirm Merrick Garland in a recess appointment
    The repercussions of a Trump appointment to the Supreme Court will reverberate for decades, especially if he picks a rightwing ideologue who's young. Ensuring that Merrick Garland occupies the vacant seat on the Court is one concrete way to stave off the entrenchment of a rightwing majority that will potentially reverse decades of progress on civil rights, women's and labor rights, gay rights, environmental protection, and other critical issues. President Obama needs to strike some decisive blows before leaving office and this is one way to do it. The Democrats have no need to model gracious, accommodating behavior in light of the callous obstruction Senate Republicans have utilized for over six months to block President Obama's nominee. This obstruction has been compounded by the destructive campaign the Republicans unleashed this election season, and what they're prepared to bring on after Trump's inauguration.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandy G.
  • Form Pacifica Now
    There is no true democracy in the world today and all governments are run by pirates (those who make their living by taking the assets of others).
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lester E.
    The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College to safeguard America against an unqualified candidate for president. That is why they, not the public, decide who will be president. Who could have known that this ancient anachronism would suddenly be available to save America? According to even Republican leaders and virtually of all America’s newspapers, Trump is not qualified to serve as President. Most Electors are legally allowed to vote their conscience for Clinton, the popular vote winner. There are hundreds of reasons to do so. One reason not discussed is that Trump’s creditors will now be able to more easily recover their money, and this could lead to him being deposed or in trial for most of his term, unqualified due to absence. Another is because Trump will continue to own his unknown foreign assets, the Dept. of Justice will be forced to assign permanent teams of investigators to determine how each foreign policy action or “pronouncement” might procure or pay for a Trump business bribe or "deal." Republicans cannot complain if the Electors vote for Clinton. They have fought for decades to preserve the Electoral College because it rigs the election in their favor when they lose the popular vote, now and in 2000, too. The Electors can start a public dialog to educate America about their Constitutional Duties. Then, they can elect the qualified candidate. Electors: Do Your Duty! Vote for Clinton, the popular vote winner!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason G.
  • Barbara Lee, Speak For Us All
    Barbara Lee has a high reputation of speaking truth to power. We ask her to stand on that ground and speak again on some major issues coming up in the next administration.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn S.
  • Help Stop the North OHIO Pipeline
    Because I Live In Northeast Ohio and It Will affect Me Directly!!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia R.
  • Help And Protect Americans Imprisoned Abroad
    Americans arrested abroad are offered little support by the US government which has a mandate to protect the rights of its citizens, which rights include international protections. No financial, medical, legal or nutritional support is provided to American citizens by it's government, leaving the citizen on his/her own at a critically vulnerable time. Other European governments provide their citizens with food, clothing, medical care, nutritional support, regular counselor visits and other assistance including repatriation assistance. The US government will provide nothing except repatriation assistance and and even that is only a loan. As a leader of the free world we should raise the standards on how we allow Americans incarcerated abroad to be treated. especially in nations which do not meet the minimum international standards for detention. An American in prison abroad gets a maximum of 2 visits per year by its embassy and this also is insufficient. Visits at least quarterly should be the minimum standard and is consistent with the standards provided by other western nations. Americans may be starved or suffer malnutrition without the help of the US Embassy. Persons incarcerated abroad may have no friends or relatives willing or able to go to the country and/or provide support.for the destitute. By signing this petition, you are helping the most vulnerable citizens in a crisis situation, being locked up abroad without any help, food, clothing or protection from the legal apparatus of a foreign country.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor T.
  • Producers of weapons must pay for refugees
    Thus the relationship of cause and effect is clear again, this a first real step towards combating the causes of flight and the demand for a stop all arms exports is given emphasis, and, not at least, there must be an end of playing off local paupers against newly arriving poor. Therefore we call: Finally make the profiteers liable for the misery they have caused! Arms companies must pay for refugees!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ursula M.
  • Fire Officer Bryan Kulhanek
    In July, Officer Bryan Kulhanek was found to be in violation of police policy for racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, violent, and bullying Facebook posts. The public was informed that he would be put on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. Two months went by and the story went cold. But we never forgot. Officer Kulhanek has been seen in uniform at his post at the Nebraska Humane Society. Two months isn't even long enough for an investigation and any sort of retraining. This is unacceptable. We feel that Officer Kulhanek is a danger to the very people he purports to serve in his community.
    330 of 400 Signatures
    Created by René H.
  • Unsafe Drinking/Bathing Water in Pennsylvania Prisons
    At SCI-Mahanoy, prisoners are allowed only three small cups of clean water throughout to day to drink with meals. This is about one-eighth of the daily water intake recommended by health professionals. This water crisis is a hazard to the health and safety of all Pennsylvania prisoners. It is particularly dangerous for those prisoners living with already existing, untreated health problems. More than 6,000 prisoners in the state have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, yet have been refused treatment by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Please call: John Wetzel Department of Corrections Secretary 717-728-4109 Tom Wolfe Governor of Pennsylvania 717-787-2500 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) 800-438-2474 Talking Points • There are reports of visibly brown, smelly water that is undrinkable at SCI-Mahanoy and SCI-Frackville. • This water crisis is a hazard to the health and safety of all PA prisoners. Requests • IMMEDIATELY investigate these reports. • Give all prisoners a daily supply of bottled water immediately for drinking. • Give prisoners access to clean water for showering and personal use.
    3,442 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamani M.