• Free Joseph Allen
    Innocent people, regardless of race, should not be in prison.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernard R.
  • Stop Politicians from Abusing our first Amendment Rights to Petition them for Change
    This is a violation of the right of petition granted in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was written as an Amendment to the Constitution to make sure the representatives we were giving powers to make and enforce laws could be restrained through our rights of protest and petition.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda D.
  • Questions for USA Government Regarding Paying Down or Paying Off the USA National Debt
    This is the dirty secret that nobody in politics wants to talk about that needs to be talked about and debated in the presidential debates, because this is what has caused the decline and fall of the USA as a nation, and if it is not redressed there is no economic solution to the economic collapse of the USA in 2008 that has continued from 2008 to the present as a decline and fall sequence of the USA as a nation.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martha M.
  • legalize medical marijuana in South Carolina.
    Relieve pain as necessary when so prescribed by licensed physician.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas M.
  • Oppose militarist and interventionist US foreign policy
    * WIN/Gallup International’s annual global End of Year survey for 2013, among others, shows that the US is considered to be the greatest threat to peace in the world. We agree, and it's no surprise Gallup did not ask the question in its End of Year survey for 2014. * A 2012 study by Stanford and New York universities' law schools, and numerous reports in the UK's Guardian and Telegraph, The Atlantic, New York Times and others indicate that drone attacks create more terrorists than they kill, due to the high number of civilian casualties. We will never actually know how many civilians are casualties because the US government insists that all male victims of military age are "militants" or "terrorists" unless there is irrefutable posthumous evidence they are not. Even the US captured organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), and the Council on Foreign Relations question the practice. * HRW says that Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen appeared to violate international humanitarian law and could constitute war crimes with which the US is complicit. * Numerous reports in the UK's Guardian, New York Times, Der Spiegel and even the Washington Post confirm the CIA has been spending about $1 billion/year since 2012 helping the Saudis and Qatar arm Syrian rebels, with little regard for vetting as confirmed by the latest fiasco with US trained "rebels" turning arms over to al-Nusra immediately on entering Syria, then bragging that they had "fooled" the US. Seymour Hersh reported on the "ratline" of captured Libyan arms from Benghazi through Turkey to Syria. * The US can not afford the programs for the 99% that Bernie proposes as long as it is wasting trillions of dollars on the military and foreign interventions, and Bernie's "political revolution" needs to make this clear to poorly informed US voters. * Last, but most importantly, you don't protect the human rights of women, children and civilian men by killing hundreds of thousands of them and forcing them to flee their countries.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William R.
  • Seniors Thrown Under the Bus in the ACA
    To get justice and equity for those who've earned it. We are subsidizing the insurance companies on our backs. The first page of the ACA tells us we can not qualify. We are denied from the get-go. HELP! This is elder abuse.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russ D.
  • An Executive Order From Barack Obama
    This is important because a democracy must have whistleblowers.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marjorie t.
  • Implement the Humphrey-Hawkins Act full and a base salary tied to inflation.
    There will be an ecological disaster and cataclysmic civil disorder unless we can pull this country back from the brink of disaster.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Salvatore L.
  • Israel Must Move
    Justice for Palestine and the conscience of Israelis
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by george b.
  • repeal the 1947 NSA ACT and bury the NSA + CIA
    The CIAs "Third World War" (1947-now) is the third bloodiest war in the history of the world. This is our (trillions and counting) Tax Dollars At Work. Imagine what positive effects that money could have accomplished, with no bloodshed or destruction. Major inroads on poverty,poor health,clean water,illiteracy....? Cheap word wide Solar Energy? Nuclear and other toxic waste solutions?
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arkhi B.
  • Loyalty to whom?
    For example, there are a number of members of Congress hold citizenship in other countries. When situations occur involving these other countries,to which country do they do they give their allegiance?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lou d.
  • Cut the Defense Budget and Spend the Money on Pre-K Education!
    We need to invest in the workers of the future.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John B.