• Demand a full investigation on the unjust trial and conviction of Michigan Rev. Edward Pinkney
    Edward Pinkney is a well-respected minister and community activist who has been imprisoned and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for allegedly altering five dates on recall petitions in Benton Harbor, Michigan. In response to what Pinkney assessed as a corrupt giveaway of much of Benton Harbor’s public land to the multi-million dollar Whirlpool Corporation, he organized a petition drive to recall the mayor of Benton Harbor. The state of Michigan responded with bogus charges, his arrest and imprisonment. Pinkney is an admired civil rights leader in his home state, having organized the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization in response to the June 16, 2003, murder of 28-year-old African-American Terrance Shurn, who was being pursued by Benton Police. He also co-founded a branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Benton Harbor, Michigan in 2009. Reverend Pinkney and his supporters believe that his conviction is linked to a strategic governmental plan to halt his community activism and impede his efforts against former Benton Harbor mayor James Hightower and Whirlpool Corp. Black activists and radical leaders who stand up for justice are too often treated as criminals rather than heroes, and are ultimately forced into the U.S. criminal justice system. Political prisoner Pinkney has been recently moved to the Marquette Prison in Michigan, far away from his friends, supporters, and Benton Harbor home. He has been placed in conditions dangerous to his health and his telephone privileges have been revoked. As long as Rev. Edward Pinkney remains in prison, his family is left fatherless, and the organizations that he has dedicated his life to stand vulnerable to government dismantlement. Sign this petition to demand justice for Rev. Edward Pinkney! * Call Legislative Corrections Ombudsman Keith Barber to demand an investigation into Rev. Pinkney’s treatment: 517-373-8573. * Call Governor Rick Snyder at 517-373-3400. Tell him you are concerned about Rev. Pinkney’s safety in an environment of harassment, threats, intimidation, and hostility.
    6,445 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamani M.
  • We Need High-Speed Long Island Ferries
    Long Islanders and New Yorkers in general put up with the worst transportation in the United States, with the highest average commute. We are the ONLY city surrounded by water which does NOT have a government funded ferry system. This is important in many ways including, less commute time (by half), easier access to destinations, an alternative to the constant delay and shut down of LIRR and major roadways, less cost to the rider, less pollution, and restoration of our ports. Some of the other advantages are less tax due to direct revenue, more high paying jobs, and increased property value for those communities with a port.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James W.
  • Hillary Clinton, please take a position on TPP
    The treaty is signed and now it goes to congress for a simple up or down vote. No changes allowed. The TPP is a total disaster for the middle class.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald S.
  • Truth in Campaigning
    Expose the ones that lie to manipulate us.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna C.
  • Sen. Sanders We Demand YOU Demand an Iowa Recount
    The media reports the Iowa Democratic caucuses had the winner declared by coin flips in 6 precincts with Ms. Clinton winning each. The votes should be proportioned between candidates. In Iowa, as in America, we have the right to have our vote counted properly. Demand a recount! Media also reports other possible irregularities. Iowa results were close. Americans are entitled to factual election results in Iowa. Demand a recount! We all remember the hanging chads in the Florida 2000 election fiasco, the resulting Supreme Court decision, a possible stolen election and resulting illegal wars, torture and spying by Pres. Bush. We must start the 2016 presidential primary elections by not repeating the same old mistakes. Demand an impartial recount in Iowa! Using primaries elections to win Democratic and Republican delegates to this summer's conventions must be based upon accurately counted votes and fair elections. As Sanders, Clinton or undecided voters, we demand that the presidential primaries be conducted in a fair, accurate and open process that results in the Democratic nominee winning fairly at this summer's convention. The Iowa caucus results are a stain on democracy. We demand you Sen. Sanders, demand a recount and take the issue to the courts if Iowa officials do not conduct a fair, impartial recount.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Buzz D.
  • Not Another U.S./NATO War on Libya
    The illegal 2011 overthrow of the Libyan government subjected the people of that nation and surrounding nations to violence, weapons proliferation, chaos, and desperate insecurity. In no way will compounding the problem with the same approach again improve matters in this case or establish good precedents.
    12,207 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by David S.
  • Make Public the Transcript and Video of Hillary's Speeches to Goldman Sachs
    Hillary Clinton received $675,000 from Goldman Sachs as speaking fees. She reportedly* used those speeches to make clear that she would let bankers off the hook for their crimes and abuses. This is at odds with what she publicly tells the rest of us. A transcript or video, from Clinton or anyone else good enough to provide it, would settle all debate over what she said. Also, Hillary Clinton seems to think this is funny.** * http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/12/wall-street-white-house-republicans-lament-of-the-plutocrats-101047#ixzz3y6qxZqv9 ** https://theintercept.com/2016/01/23/clinton-goldman-sachs-laugh/
    13,927 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by David S.
  • Free Leonard Peltier
    It's time to free Leonard Peltier and send him home. His co-defendent was freed years ago. Keeping him in prison is just plain wrong!
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy A.
  • Discounts for the Disabled
    My income is lower than most seniors. Why can't we get discount on clothes, movies, etc...?
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James M.
  • 33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Royalty’s L. Picture
  • Demand adequate treatment and protection for inmate, Keith "Malik" Washington
    Keith "Malik" Washington is an activist and current prisoner of the menacing U.S. criminal justice system. Throughout his sentence, Malik has witnessed and experienced severe environmental neglect and its detrimental effects in Texas state prisons. He has written dozens of letters to legislators and activists revealing the horrendous conditions in TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) facilities, including malnutrition, contaminated water and extreme overheating. Retaliation is real! Malik’s efforts, instead of being met with serious investigation and support, have been treated as a threat to Texas legislators and officials. In retaliation to Malik’s efforts to expose the environmental injustices in Texas prisons, he has been transferred to the Coffield Unit, the largest and most gang-present prison in the state of Texas. Malik has deliberately been placed in harm’s way by the TDCJ! According to Malik, there have been multiple threats made against his life from both guards and prisoners and it is very clear that he was transferred to Coffield because the TDCJ is retaliating against him for exposing environmental injustices in the TDCJ system. Malik needs to be protected from threats made from guards and gangs in the Coffield Unit, which the unit’s administration have encouraged. We demand that Malik immediately be placed either in a different unit or in some sort of protective custody. Malik has devoted his life to exposing injustices in prisons across the country through education and activism - even while confined to a prison cell. He has written numerous articles for online prison activist sites. One of his more recent articles is provided below: http://sfbayview.com/2015/07/tdcj-placed-me-in-harms-way-because-i-spoke-out-in-reference-to-the-extreme-heat/keith-malik-washington/ Sign this petition demand Malik’s immediate removal from the Coffield unit or immediate placement into protective custody within the prison!
    6,811 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamani M.
  • Don't Let the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Get Away with Murder
    Keith Cole is a 61-year old black male prisoner whose life is in serious danger. In 2014 Keith Cole, along with 3 other prisoners, filed a federal civil complaint against extreme overheating in TDCJ facilities. The deadly heat lawsuit placed pressure on the Warden of the Wallace Pack Unit - where Keith was housed at the time - and thus made Keith a primary target for retaliation. The trial for the deadly heat lawsuit is set for February 2016. In this light, Keith was recently transferred to the McConnell Unit - one of the most neglected, dilapidated and understaffed prisons in Texas. Keith has a chronic heart condition that requires him to take multiple high-dosage medications daily and as a result, could suffer a heart attack at any time. The McConnell Unit is one of the few Texas prisons without emergency call buttons inside the cells. Keith Cole’s transfer to the neglected McConnell Unit is a deliberate attempt to place him in harm’s way before the upcoming trial in February. We worry that his medication is being withheld as retaliation for his extreme overheating lawsuit against the TDCJ. This lawsuit could change environmental standards affecting all TDCJ prisons, and Keith Cole's presence and testimony is needed to make that happen. Please sign this petition to demand that Keith Cole be immediately transferred to a unit with adequate, humane supervision and be placed in a cell with an emergency-call button!
    6,040 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamani M.