• Credits/Refunds for television and internet downtime
    You the customer are now being billed for 24/7 service. This billing does not give any credit to the customer for the loss of signal due to areas for which the providers are responsible. This includes equipment downtime due to poor maintenance of cables, relay stations, disks, shoddy equipment required and provided by suppliers for in house service and service personal who lack knowledge in repairs. Under the present billing system these providers have no incentive to improve their services and equipment maintenance. You are charged for these services even when you can not access them and have no control as to when they will be repaired.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ernestine F.
  • No Weapons to Ukraine
    The United States is the leading provider of weapons to the world, and the practice of providing weapons to countries in crisis has proven disastrous, including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Expanding NATO to Russia's border and arming Russia's neighbors threatens something worse than disaster. The United States is toying with nuclear war. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt played significant roles in orchestrating the political crisis that led to a violent coup overthrowing Ukraine's elected President. Nuland not only exclaimed "Fuck the EU!" on that recorded phone call, but she also seemed to decide on the new prime minister: "Yats is the guy." The Maidan protests were violently escalated by neo-Nazis and by snipers who opened fire on police. When Poland, Germany, and France negotiated a deal for the Maidan demands and an early election, neo-Nazis instead attacked the government and took over. The U.S. State Department immediately recognized the coup government, and Yatsenyuk was indeed installed as Prime Minister. The people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to secede, and that -- rather than the coup -- has been labeled "aggression." Ethnic Russians have been massacred by constant shelling from Kiev's U.S.-NATO backed Army, while Russia has been denounced for "aggression" in the form of various unsubstantiated accusations, including the downing of Flight 17. It's important to recognize Western interests at work here other than peace and generosity. GMO outfits want the excellent farming soil in Ukraine. The U.S. and NATO want a "missile defense" base in Ukraine. Oil corporations want to drill for fracked gas in Ukraine. The U.S. and EU want to get their hands on Russia's "largest supply of natural gas" on the planet. We routinely recognize the financial corruption of the U.S. government in domestic policy making. We shouldn't blind ourselves to it in matters of foreign policy. There may be a flag waving, but there is nuclear war looming, and that's a bit more important. Initial signers (organizations for identification): David Swanson, World Beyond War. Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. Nick Mottern, KnowDrones.com. Tarak Kauff, Veterans For Peace. Carolyn McCrady, Peace and Justice Can Win. Medea Benjamin, Code Pink. Gareth Porter. Malachy Kilbride, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance. Buzz Davis, WI Impeachment/Bring Our Troops Home Coalition. Alice Slater, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Doug Rawlings, Veterans For Peace. Diane Turco, Cape Codders for Peace and Justice. Rich Greve, Peace Action Staten Island. Kevin Zeese, Popular Resistance. Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance. Heinrich Buecker, Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin. Dud Hendrick. Ellen Barfield, Veterans For Peace and War Resisters League. Herbert Hoffman, Veterans For Peace. Jean Athey, Peace Action Montgomery. Kent Shifferd. Matthew Hoh. Bob Cushing, Pax Christi. Bill Gilson, Veterans For Peace. Michael Brenner, University of Pittsburgh. Cindy Sheehan: Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox. Jodie Evans, Code Pink. Judith Deutsch. Jim Haber. Elliott Adams. Joe Lombardo and Marilyn Levin, UNAC co-coordinators. David Hartsough, World Beyond War. Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate, Co founder peace people. Koohan Paik, International Forum on Globalization. Ellen Judd, University of Manitoba. Nicolas Davies. Rosalie Tyler Paul, PeaceWorks, Brunswick Maine.
    3,966 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by David S.
  • Stop Fracking in Long Beach, CA Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for Mayor Garcia & the City Council to take action and ban fracking in the city of Long Beach, CA now.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peggy R.
  • Tell Governor Jindal to Stop Hating on Muslims
    Last week, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal posted a series of hateful tweets (seet below) collectively blaming Muslims and pushing false negative stereotypes about the religion. Take action now and tell Governor Jindal to STOP his hate campaign on Muslims. Governor Jindal did not stop with the tweets, in various interviews, he also criticized so-called “no-go zones” in the UK, neighborhoods that non-Muslims are supposedly not welcome to enter. This is the same lie perpetuated by the known islamophobe and debunked terrorism “expert” Steven Emerson, who was called a “complete idiot” by UK Prime Minister David Cameron for making this claim, and for which Fox News even issued an apology for sharing it on its network.
    1,881 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ahmed B.
  • Defund Bratton's Army!
    Whether it's a counterterrorism-unit build up or mobile units for neighborhood “safety” and disorder control, New Yorkers say NO to Department of Homeland Security-funded NYPD militarization! The War Resisters League's campaign, "Demilitarize Health and Security," condemns the unveiling of a DHS-funded 900-officer counterterrorism and special operations overhaul by New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton. According to Bratton, in amendments to his original statements on January 29th, both the 350-member counterterrorist auxiliary unit - equipped with "long rifles and machine guns" designed for "disorder control and counterterrorism protection capabilities" - and the 500-officer special-operations unit Strategic Response Group (SRG) mandated to monitor protests and “sudden rises in crime” will be rolled out in the Summer of 2015. Bratton’s conflation of “terrorism issues, crime issues and demonstrations issues” will only further criminalize our communities, violate our right to protest, and curtail our ability to survive and thrive. We demand an end to the build up of Bratton’s army because militarization is a threat to our safety! We urge Mayor de Blasio to stand with New Yorkers and call for the defunding of Bratton’s two newly proposed units. Together, we can create real solutions for community safety and wellness without tanks and assault rifles!
    3,172 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ali I.
  • Ban Fracking in Broward County Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for the County Board of Commissioners to take action and ban fracking in Broward County now.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teri S.
  • Ban Fracking in Muskegon County Now!
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for our County Representatives to take action and ban fracking in Muskegon County now. Mark E. Eisenbarth -Muskegon County Administrator 990 Terrace Street, 4th Floor Muskegon, MI 49442 (231) 724-6520 Fax: (231) 724-6673 [email protected] http://www.co.muskegon.mi.us/boardofcommissioners/
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff D.
  • Ban Fracking in Los Angeles Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for Mayor Garcetti to take action and ban fracking in Los Angeles now.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by helen s.
  • Ban Fracking in Logan County, Ohio Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for our Country Commissioners to take action and ban fracking in Logan County now.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin B.
  • Ban Fracking in or near Lake Charles Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for officials to take action and ban fracking in our beautiful space now.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patty K.
  • Ban Fracking in Salt Lake County Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for County Supervisors to take action and ban fracking in Salt Lake County now.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gene U.
  • Ban Fracking in Sharon Township, Franklin County, OH Now
    Governor Cuomo of New York has declared a statewide ban on fracking. Local citizen-led initiatives have helped ban fracking in Mendocino and San Benito counties in California; Athens, Ohio; Mora, New Mexico; and Denton, Texas. Communities across the United States and world are saying NO to this environmentally disastrous method of extracting fossil fuels from the land. It is time for Board of Trustees to take action and ban fracking in Sharon Township, Franklin County, OH now.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barbara B.