• Justice for Islamophobic Attack: Demand Action and Hate Crime Investigation at the DNC Now
    This incident reflects a deeply troubling trend of intolerance and hate within our society, particularly against marginalized communities. It is critical that the Chicago Police Department take swift and decisive action to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of all individuals, regardless of their religious or ethnic background, are protected. Failure to address this incident adequately could set a dangerous precedent, where hate-fueled violence and discrimination are allowed to persist unchecked. It is imperative that the Chicago Police Department upholds the values of justice, equality, and the rule of law by taking the necessary steps to investigate and prosecute those responsible for this heinous act.  Violence against women and political violence have no place in civilized society. Media Covering Incident 1. Miami Herald. (2024, August). Seminole Woman Protesting Israel-Hamas War Assaulted at Democratic Convention. Retrieved from https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article291226080.html 2. Newsweek. (2024, August). DNC Delegate Joe Biden Sign Incident: Nadia Ahmad, Israel-Palestinian Conflict Protest at Gaza. Retrieved from https://www.newsweek.com/dnc-delegate-joe-biden-sign-nadia-ahmad-israel-palestinian-conflict-protest-gaza-1941829 3. Notus. (2024, August). Muslim Delegate DNC Protest Charges Blocked Access. Retrieved from https://www.notus.org/democrats/muslim-delegate-dnc-protest-charges-blocked-access 4. Democracy Now. (2024, August). DNC Biden Speech Palestine Protest. Retrieved from https://www.democracynow.org/2024/8/20/dnc_biden_speech_palestine_protest 5. Orlando Sentinel. (2024, August 22). Seminole Woman Protesting Israel-Hamas War Assaulted at Democratic Convention. Retrieved from https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/08/22/seminole-woman-protesting-israel-hamas-war-assaulted-at-democratic-convention/ 6. The Intercept. (2024, August 20). DNC Harris, Gaza, Uncommitted Protest. Retrieved from https://theintercept.com/2024/08/20/dnc-harris-gaza-uncommitted-protest/  7. Associated Press. (2024, August). Israel-Hamas War: Joe Biden Michigan Democratic National Convention Chicago. Retrieved from https://apnews.com/video/israel-hamas-war-joe-biden-michigan-democratic-national-convention-chicago-1070a93c8c874e158a782bfb09fbf53b 8. ABC News. (2024, August). Harris' Shift in Tone on Gaza Earns Limited Leeway at DNC. Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/harris-shift-tone-gaza-earns-limited-leeway-dnc/story?id=112945890 9. New York Post. (2024, August 20). Anti-Israel Protestor Smacked with 'We Love Joe' Sign During Biden's DNC Speech. Retrieved from https://nypost.com/2024/08/20/us-news/anti-israel-protestor-smacked-with-we-love-joe-sign-during-bidens-dnc-speech/ 10. WION News. (2024, August). Watch: Biden Supporters Heckle Protesters Displaying 'Stop Arming Israel' Sign at DNC. Retrieved from https://www.wionews.com/world/watch-biden-supporters-heckle-protesters-displaying-stop-arming-israel-sign-at-dnc-751488 11. The New Republic. (2024, August). DNC Responds to Gaza Protest in the Worst Way. Retrieved from https://newrepublic.com/post/185056/dnc-responds-gaza-protest-worst-way
    709 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nadia A.
  • Impeach Joe Biden for War Crimes
    It is critical that President Biden be held to account for war crimes against the Palestinian people and that United States citizens understand that he is breaking international and U.S. laws by providing military, monetary and diplomatic support for the Israeli government's extermination campaign against the Palestinian people.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nick M.
  • Give Honolulu's $25 Million Ala Wai Bridge Federal Funds to Lahaina for Rebuilding
    In the spirit of Aloha, we suggest we in Honolulu push our elected officials to give the $25 million in Federal funds allocated for the non-essential Ala Wai bridge to Maui for the reconstruction of Lahaina. The current Ala Wai bridge design is estimated to cost over $60 million and features a culturally insensitive 18-story, lighted, bridge tower with long cables extending across the span destroying the view of Diamond Head. It looks like it belongs in San Francisco instead of Honolulu. And it’s not a critical infrastructure project. Reallocating funds from a non-essential pedestrian/bicycle bridge project to a critical rebuilding project would be a remarkable show of solidarity from Honolulu to Lahina, from Oahu to Maui. We recognize that reprogramming Federal funds is not easy, but Senator Brian Schatz is on the appropriations committee and he and rest of our Congressional delegation have done a good job in getting a large number of members of Congress to visit Lahaina and Kula to see the destruction for themselves. We believe they would be amenable to special legislation for the reprogramming of federal funds, if we in Honolulu are generous enough to recommend this. At the community meeting on the Ala Wai Bridge proposal on Saturday, September 9, 2023, at the Ala Wai Elementary School cafeteria, most in the 100+ audience did not want a pedestrian/bicycle bridge to be built. The most applause in the meeting occurred when the sign “Rebuild Maui, Not the Ala Wai Bridge” was raised. If the Bridge Has to be Built, Build a Modest Bridge BUT, should the decision stand to build another bridge over the Ala Wai with the McCully bridge only 200 yards away and despite the incredible needs of Lahina, the bridge should be modest like the McCully bridge and using as little funds as possible with the caveat that unspent federal funds will be given to Lahaina. Costs over $25 million are to be paid by the Honolulu/Oahu taxpayers, all the more reason to have a modest bridge. If one wanted to add decoration, certainly there are remarkable designs from the Hawaiian culture that could be added and/or painted onto a modest bridge. Even with a modest bridge, we must recognize that the people who use the Ala Wai park and gardens will be deeply affected. The bridge would displace a canoe club which houses a historic koa wood canoe. Public parking for those families who use the soccer, baseball and basketball facilities and the community gardens will be disrupted and probably taken away by the years of bridge construction. The proposed, very expensive “spectacular” 18 story steel cable bridge would be an affront to the culture of Hawai’i. It will block the view of the canal and Diamond Head from as far up the Ala Wai as the Hawaii Convention Center. It will have nighttime lighting on it that will be shining into apartments on both sides of the Ala Wai. It will be a magnet for youth who will figure out ways to make the long steel strands into a zipline challenge. According to City of Honolulu’s description, “The bridge’s asymmetrical design in plan and elevation has elements intended to be an abstraction of local inspirations such as fishing nets, waterfalls, and traditional musical instruments.” But it would take a miracle of imagination to figure out how this description has anything to do with the tower and steel cables. Recognizing the history of construction projects in Hawaii, we know the disruption of life on the Ala Wai will last for many years, much longer than any timeline of project completion that the authorities will publicize. We on Oahu have a unique opportunity to practice Aloha to our neighbor island that is suffering so much. In the spirit of Aloha, we hope a decision to offer the $25 million Ala Wai Bridge project federal funding to Lahaina is considered immediately by our elected officials. Please tweet the Mayor of Honolulu and City Council chair, the Hawaii Congressional delegation and the Governor of Hawaii with a link to this petition. https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/give-honolulu-s-25-million-ala-wai-bridge-federal-funds-to-lahina-forrebuilding @MayorRickHNL; @HonoluluGov; @bissenmovement; @GovJoshGreenMD; @SenBrianSchatz; @SenMazieHirono; @RepJillTokuda; @RepEdCase
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ann W.
  • We Urge Rep. Huffman to recognize the Palestinian Nakba
    The Nakba, meaning catastrophe in English, marked the 1948 mass expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinians from geographic Palestine and the destruction of over 400 Palestinian towns and villages following attacks by Zionist militias. The Nakba continues today as Palestinians continue to be displaced from their historic homeland. We must re-affirm our government's 1948 commitment to the right of return for all Palestinian refugees to their homeland who choose to do so. The urgency of this recognition is made clear by the current efforts of the Israeli regime to continue the Nakba by seeking to displace over 1,300 Palestinians from the communities of Masafer Yatta, where Palestinian families have lived continuously for centuries. Masafer Yatta is but one of many communities at risk. We applaud Congressman Huffman’s signing a statement that recognizes what Israel is doing in Masafer Yatta as “inconsistent with international humanitarian law, according to Articles 49 and 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention." This effort at ethnic cleansing must not be tolerated and we must demand accountability and allow no complicity from the United States in furthering this crime against humanity. There is no room for Nakba denial in the United States today, just as there is no room for Holocaust denial or a revisionist history of slavery and racism in the United States as some reactionary voices would impose on us. Hard truths must be addressed honestly if we are to create a better future for us all. We must deal with the historical roots of what is happening as Israel continues to displace and oppress the Palestinian people, imposing upon them, as numerous human rights organizations have concluded, an apartheid regime. Recognizing the Palestinian Nakba is the truth that will set us free to pursue a new foreign policy based on building justice leading to reconciliation and creating genuine peace for all the people of historic Palestine. Congressman Huffman, cosponsor H.Res. 1123.
    437 of 500 Signatures
    Created by James H.
  • No packages restrictions for New York prisoners
    We all deserve a second chance in life. New State Department of Correction is wrong to take inmates rights away. They deserve to get their Mail/Packages. Join in and voice your opinion and lets fight this corruption in these prison's. Eastern Correction Facility is mistreating inmates, violating their constitutional rights as human beings. This is wrong in everyway these inmates are paying for the crimes they committed. Why take their Mail/Packages away? Please lets fight for what is right not for what is wrong.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Desmond H.
  • Demand Rep. Huffman oppose a bill ignoring violations of Palestinian Human Rights. Oppose HR 2748.
    We believe that Rep. Huffman knows better, we cannot win peace without justice. He should reject the false promises of the Trump-negotiated “Abraham Accords” that only give weapon deals to undemocratic Arab regimes and diplomatic cover to Israel’s violations of international law. He therefore must rescind his support for HR 2748. If Rep. Huffman wishes to work for peace in the Middle East, he can speak up about very recent examples of Israel’s growing disregard for international laws and norms. Daily the Israeli government reminds us they want no part of any peaceful and just resolution. In October of last year, Israel effectively outlawed six prominent Palestinian human rights groups by declaring them terrorist organizations, a major escalation of its decades-long crackdown on political activism in the occupied territories. A resolution introduced by Rep. Betty McCollum condemning this extremist reactionary step has yet to be cosponsored by Rep. Huffman. Criminalizing human rights organizations should NOT be normalized. Israel military police to close "investigation" into death of Palestinian (and U.S. citizen) Omar Assad who was detained in January 6th, 2022 without charges, despite soldiers admitting they forcibly covered his mouth, cuffed him and left 78 year-old out in the cold, looking "sleepy" and unresponsive, didn't bother to call a medic. Even U.S. citizens are allowed to be subject to Israeli military brutality and still Congress demands this be “normalized”? Israeli military brutality and disregard for human life should NOT be normalized. On January 19th, 2022, at 3 a.m. in the morning, the Israeli military demolished the home and evicted the Salhiya family in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, in a statement released on Thursday by the UNRWA. “In a matter of hours, the Salhiya’s house and possessions were destroyed, erasing all traces of their nearly 40 years of history in the neighborhood. Having already lost their place of residence as a result of the 1948 conflict, the Salhiya family is now again displaced, seeking refuge one more time.” Tens of Palestinian refugee families in different parts of Sheikh Jarrah alone (over 200 persons, many of whom are children) currently face an imminent threat of eviction by the Israeli authorities. Ethnic Cleansing should NOT be normalized. Rep. Huffman must repudiate his support of HR 2748 and instead work for justice that will bring peace. Sign this petition and call his Washington DC office today (202) 225-5161 and say “NO on HR 2748, no normalization with human rights violations!”
    200 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James H.
  • Release Julian Assange
    This isn't about Assange, this is about a misbehaving government. When the government is caught doing bad things the first response is to attempt to discredit the person who exposed those acts. It's the government and its representatives that need to be charged, not the whistleblower -- but you already know that, you just don't want to be reprimanded. We need to have oversight of our government and we need to be thankful for those that show our government acting at their worst; that means the last thing we want to do is try to scare those that want to attest to the government’s behavior. Finally, Julian is not an American citizen and you have no jurisdiction over him to have him imprisoned or to charge him with any crimes.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Todd C.
  • Free Hassan Mushaima!
    Hassan Mushaima, a political activist, founder of the Movement for Freedom and Democracy and a well-known voice critical of King Hamad, has been arrested for his involvement in peaceful protests of the Bahreini Arab Spring. Hassan, an elderly man with cancer, is serving a life sentence in Jau Prison. He was officially arrested on charges of attempting to subvert the government. Dozens of human rights defenders and protesters have been arrested along with him, and are now serving an unjust sentence, deprived of contact with their families and forced to wear chains on their feet if they claim their right to access appropriate medical care. Hassan's arrest, a clear attempt to silence him, makes it all the more necessary and urgent to investigate his case and secure his release.
    3,106 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Americans for Democracy and Human Rights (.
  • Civilianize U.S. Army's Criminal Investigative Div. for investigation of Sexual Assault Allegations
    For decades, both female and male survivors of sexual assault in the military have had their allegations disbelieved and dismissed by their superiors in their chain of command. In addition, many survivors who have made reports of assault have been bullied and threatened by their perpetrators without intervention by the chain of command. Women service members have especially been brutalized. Most victims do not report the violence out of a well-based fear of retaliation. Many military careers have ended because of the failure of the chain of command to take allegations seriously and to properly investigate and punish those responsible. The U.S. Army culture is incapable of effectively handling allegations of sexual assault and too often the chain of command prevents proper adjudication of such serious charges. After the Navy's Tailhook sexual assault scandal two decades ago, the Navy Investigative Service (NIS) was changed into the Naval Criminal Investigative Service with a civilian director and the entire investigative structure civilianized. That Navy civilian structure stands in stark contrast to Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID), which is led by military police officers who are not criminal investigators. Army CID is also distinct from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which is not totally civilianized but does have investigative agents leading the organization. The Provost Marshal General of the U.S. Army General Donna Martin said CID has not had “significant structural change” in 20 years, “and yet we have had significant, quadrupling cases of sexual assault.” It is critical that the Army has professional civilian investigators to investigate military sexual assault charges and take the investigations out of the hands of those in the military chain of command of the perpetrators. Veterans For Peace https://www.veteransforpeace.org/ Service Women's Action Network https://www.servicewomen.org/ Austin orders new steps to curb sexual assault while panel studies the problem https://bit.ly/2Qf4ExT Should the military continue to be allowed to police itself on sexual assault? Retired general and Pentagon weigh in. https://bit.ly/3tA0Qpi Spc. Vanessa Guillen case could be Army CID’s ‘Tailhook scandal’ https://bit.ly/3bWp4nR Remove Prosecution of Sexual Assault from Military Chain of Command https://bit.ly/3r1RxNj
    1,665 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann W.
  • Release Steven Hibbler From A Life Prison Sentence Due To An Unfair Prosecution Immediately
    Steven Hibbler, has been serving a life sentence in the Michigan Department Of Corrections since 1995 for a shooting he did not commit. Although an affidavit and testimony under oath from a person involved in the shooting pointed to Steven’s innocence, he was convicted of this crime and has been denied a retrial due to the justice system's failures. These failures include but are not limited to: * The first day of trial it was brought to the court's attention by an anonymous caller that one of the jurors knew the family and had a potential relationship with the deceased's daughter. Yet the judge never questioned the juror and allowed him to stay on the jury. * During the trial, the prosecutor openly admitted to the judge that, while they had a theory that Steven shot the deceased, they did not know whose shots caused the death. *Both Steven's trial attorney and appellate attorney admitted their ineffectiveness when it came to Steven's case and conceded that they made "mistakes" that could have affected the outcome of Steven's legal proceedings. Now, after two and a half decades, there has been a new development in Steven's case that brings about renewed hope. We have learned of exculpatory evidence that the prosecutor intentionally withheld from Steven's attorneys in a desperate effort to railroad Steven. The prosecutor who handled Steven's trial had knowledge that the key eyewitness in his case had previously testified to seeing and knowing the name of the person who shot and killed the deceased. The person he named was not Steven. Fortunately, this new information is currently being reviewed by the Michigan Attorney General's Conviction Integrity Unit, which has the power to investigate and reverse this wrongful conviction. While under the knee of injustice, Steven has managed to completely transform his life. He is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in sociology and has also collaborated with The Yale School of Art. He is a published poet and an accomplished artist whose artwork has appeared in the October 2019 edition of The Harper's Magazine as well as several art exhibits and installations. Steven is a member of The Michigan Theory Group, an Inside Out Prison Exchange Program alumni group that trains professors and instructors from around the world in critical pedagogy. He is also a co-creator and facilitator of the Inside Out Theory Group's Restorative Justice curriculum and program. Over the years, Steven has developed the core belief that we are all interconnected as human beings and can change the world around us by doing one good deed at a time. Steven Hibbler needs your help to affirm his innocence. After twenty-five years of wrongful imprisonment, he deserves immediate justice. Please sign this petition to encourage the CIU to thoroughly investigate his case. Please also get in touch with the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel at: Email - [email protected] Phone: 517-335-7622 Fax: 517-335-7644 or send direct mail to: G. Mennen Williams Building 525 W. Ottawa Street P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 Detroit Office Cadillac Place, 10th Floor 3030 W. Grand Blvd., Ste 10-200 Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 313-456-0240 Fax: 313-456-0243 In addition please send emails and make phone calls to the following state representatives: Governor - Gretchen Whitmer General Telephone Number: 517-373-3400 Opinion Telephone: 517-335-7858 Fax: 517-335-6863 Email: [email protected] Address: State Capitol P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 Lt. Governor - Garlin Gilchrist II Phone: 517-373-6800 Attorney General - Dana Nessel Phone: 517-373-1110 Address: G. Mennen Williams Building 7th Floor 525 W. Ottawa St., Lansing, MI 48933 Email: [email protected] Legislators/Senators - Senator Aric Nesbitt - District 26 Phone: 1-866-305-2120 Address for all Senators: Michigan Senate State Capitol Building Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909 United States Congressman - Justin Amash Phone: 616-451-8383 Address: 110 Michigan NW #460 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 State House Representative - Steven Johnson -72nd District Phone: 517-373-0840 Email: [email protected] State Information Center at 517-373-1837 Please send an email to [email protected] for additional information.
    2,216 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Raven H.
  • Grant Refugee status for unarmed civilians in the Gaza strip
    More innocent Gaza residents will die from starvation, lack of air and from drinking contaminated water which might lead to the annihilation of the population of the Gaza strip. We need to start an emergency airlift to take many unarmed civilians from the Jabilya refugee camp in the Gaza strip.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ola A.
  • Bangladesh Must End Internet Ban in Rohingya Refugee Camps
    The Rohingya have suffered decades of systematic persecution in their home country of Myanmar. They have been denied citizenship, freedom of movement, access to education and health services. They have been subject to land confiscations, arbitrary arrests, forced labour, extortion, torture, rape, mass killings, the destruction of whole villages and other forms of collective punishment. Myanmar military clearance operations have forced more than 800,000 Rohingya to flee over the border to Bangladesh since August of 2017. Myanmar stands accused of genocide against the Rohingya at the International Court of Justice. The Myanmar government disputes the allegations and has failed to create conditions that would enable the Rohingya to return safely to their homelands. Bangladesh now provides shelter to approximately 1 million Rohingya. Rohingya have relied on mobile phone and internet access to communicate these abuses to the rest of the world. This access has also provided lifelines to families fleeing from attrocities. In September 2019, mobile phone and internet restrictions were brought in by Bangladesh for Rohingya genocide survivors in the refugee camps. The Bangladesh government’s internet blackout and phone restrictions at Rohingya refugee camps are currently obstructing humanitarian groups from addressing the COVID-19 threat. The shutdown is risking the health and lives of over a million people, including nearly 900,000 refugees in Cox’s Bazar and the Bangladeshi host community by hindering aid groups’ ability to provide emergency health services and rapidly coordinate essential preventive measures. Aid workers and community leaders rely on WhatsApp and other internet-based communication tools to coordinate emergency services and share important information in the camps. The shutdown prevents effective dissemination of coronavirus information as well as impeding aid workers’ ability to conduct “contact tracing” to contain transmission of the virus. Rohingya survivors also need to use the internet and mobile phones to maintain links with home and contact family members with whom they have been separated from due to the genocide. It is also their only means to access news and information. The internet is the primary source of education for youth in the camps, who have severely limited access to formal schooling. The internet and phone restrictions must therefore be permanantly lifted.
    2,982 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Shabnam M.