• Allow Front Yards to Have Greenhouses to Raise Vegetables In
    The Solution. Planning permissions should no longer be a requirement for building greenhouses in front yards, as this discourages people from maximising that precious space. There are those who’d rather plant crops than flowers, and by forbidding them to build greenhouses in their front yards, the types of vegetables they can grow would be limited. The Covid-19 pandemic is an eye-opener that we can’t always rely on commercial products to survive. During these uncertain times, we can’t say for sure that food supplies will last indefinitely, and so it’s important that we could grow a few stuff from our own land.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles H.
  • Return to Work Safely or Not at All
    To protect the signer and their co-workers from a life-threatening disease.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William B.
  • CANCEL RIMPAC- The World's Largest Naval War Practice that with COVID19 Endangers Hawaii & the World
    More than 25,000 military personnel from 20 countries will gather from June through August 2020 in Hawaii waters for the 27th Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise, the world's largest international maritime exercises, The international naval war practice in Hawaiian waters is provocative in regional affairs and with the COVID19 virus, military personnel from 20+ countries arriving in Hawaii will endanger citizens of the isolated island state of Hawaii. Since 1971, RIMPAC has been held in Hawaii where in 2018 military personnel from 24 other countries, including Australia, Canada, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam came to Hawaii. With COVID19 virus rampant around in all countries around the world, the isolated islands of Hawaii must be protected from military visitors. This petition is sponsored by Hawaii organizations: Hawai'i Peace and Justice; Veterans for Peace-Chapter 113-Hawai'i; Malu Aina Center for Nonviolence Education & Action-Big Island; Maui Peace Action; Kauai Alliance for Peace & Social Justice; Catholic Worker Honolulu; Campaign Nonviolence-Hawaii; Democratic Socialists of Honolulu; Young Progressive Demanding Action (Hawaiʻi); Hawaiian Unity and Liberation Institute; Malama Makua; International Women's Network Against Militarism; Women's Voices, Women Speak; Cancel RIMPAC Coalition; U.S. National Organizations: Peace Action; United for Peace & Justice; United National Anti-War Coalition; Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; CODEPINK, San Francisco Bay Area chapter; Veterans For Peace chapter 69-San Francisco; Donald and Sally-Alice Thompson Veterans For Peace Chapter #63-Albuquerque, New Mexico; Shut Down Creech campaign; International Organizations: Veterans for Peace; Jeju Committee for the Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of Sea (South Korea); Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND-UK); Vrede vzw (Belgium); International Coalition for a Ban on (depleted) Uranium Weapons (Berlin Germany); Activists for Peace- Sweden; VD AMOK (Netherlands); Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILFP)-Italy; Peace & Neutrality Alliance in Ireland; CNGNN Italy; "No to war - no to NATO"; Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence, Bad Ischl, Austria; Swedish Peace Council; Roma Social Forum; Teatroinnatura-Italy; Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain); Dutch section of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF NL); WILPF Germany; Mouvement de la Paix (France); Gangjeong Peace Network; Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of the Sea; Jeju Comittee People Making Jeju a Demilitarized Peace Island; Association of Gangjeong Villagers Against the Jeju Navy Base; Seongsan Committee against the Jeju 2nd Airport Project; Jeju People Living in the Main Land of Korea; TID TIL FRED - aktiv mod krig, Danmark (TIME FOR PEACE - active against war, Denmark);
    13,890 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann W.
    ENDORSED by the National Lawyers Guild and Veterans for Peace .... We are citizens of the United States who urge you to deny the extradition request of our government. If Julian Assange is delivered to the United States it will be a momentous setback for press freedom. The correct decision is to NOT extradite Assange for the following reasons: (1) The Extradition Treaty between the UK and USA prohibits extradition for a political offense. (Ref a) It says "extradition shall not be granted if the competent authority of the Requested State determines that the request was politically motivated." The essence of Assange's "crime" is that he published documents and videos which revealed the reality of US military and political actions. (2) Assange would not get a fair trial in the US. He has been publicly prejudged by prominent political leaders. Secretary of State Pompeo declared Wikileaks is a "non-state hostile intelligence service." (Ref b) Former Vice President Joe Biden has called Julian Assange a "hi-tech terrorist." (Ref c) (3) These charges would set a precedent where the US claims the right to seize a citizen of any country and to judge them by US laws without the rights of a US citizen. (Ref d) (4) The US breached Assange's right to client-lawyer confidentiality. During the last year at the Ecuadoran Embassy, a contractor for US authorities spied on Assange 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including during his private meetings with lawyers. (Ref e) This case goes to the heart of the public's right to know what is being done in their name. The information provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning, and published by Assange's Wikileaks, primarily concerned the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. Many people, including former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, say the invasion violated international law and breached the UN Charter. (Ref f) Yet there has been little or no accountability. Instead, US authorities seek to punish and imprison for life a journalist and publisher who dared to broadcast the actual consequences of this aggression, scenes such as shown in the video "Collateral Murder." (Ref g) The Trump administration seeks to criminalize what was previously considered a press freedom. Already the model of the Assange indictment has been copied by the Brazilian government in a criminal complaint against journalist Glenn Greenwald. A NY Times op-ed warned, "This blunt approach gives the government enormous leverage over journalists and, in the United States, provides them with a detour around First Amendment concerns. If these cases become templates that prosecutors in the United States and other nations follow, virtually every investigative reporter will become vulnerable to criminal charges and imprisonment." (Ref h) We are counting on British independence and justice. Do not extradite Julian Assange to the United States! References a) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/243246/7146.pdf b) https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/328730-cia-director-wikileaks-a-non-state-hostile-intelligence-service c) https://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/dec/19/assange-high-tech-terrorist-biden d) https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/01/23/wikileaks-editor-us-is-saying-first-amendment-doesnt-apply-to-foreigners-in-assange-case/ e) https://thegrayzone.com/2019/10/10/cia-spied-on-julian-assange-in-ecuadorian-embassy/ f) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/16/iraq.iraq g) https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/ h) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/opinion/greenwald-brazil-reporter.html
    5,356 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Rick S.
    Justice. Common Decency. Humanity. To know better is supposed to mean knowing better. In 2012, shockingly new science based on brain development caused the United States Supreme Court to issue a landmark ruling declaring that teenage homicide offenders under age 18 should not be sentenced to life without possibility of parole. Charles Selby has been in a Michigan prison since 1986. He is currently serving life without parole sentence for his actions when he was 18 years old for 192 hours. In addition to the experts, common sense screams that being 18 for 192hrs. is no different than being 17 years old. Thus, Charles is currently asking the Michigan Supreme Court to do what is right, fair, and just by honoring the spirit of the law when valid exceptions to the letter of the law presents an unconstitutional application. You are asked to please sign this petition to demonstrate public support for what is right, fair, and just. Please alert others to this petition and that there is still work to be done to ensure teenager offenders aren't sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. To learn more about this issue, go to fb: CharlesSelby/NoExcuses and scroll the time line to read the article "COURTS SAY TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T SERVE LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE SENTENCES. WHAT ABOUT CHARLES?" Also, you can learn more about Charles in general at the same fb site. In Solidarity Support for Charles Selby
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Selby /.
  • Stop the Prosecution of Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale
    Daniel is being punished because he dared speak the truth. He has been an outspoken peace and human rights activist, attempting to warn the public about the abuses and dangers of unchecked drone warfare. Hale is a whistleblower who has enriched the public’s knowledge about matters of grave civic concern. It is unconscionable to use a law supposedly aimed at actual spies and saboteurs, against individuals who act in good faith to bring government misconduct to the attention of the public.
    10,723 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by William N.
  • Help Free an Unfairly Prosecuted Man from Prison
    This is important because I'm a innocent man that was wrongly accused for a crime that I didn't commit and I want to be home with my family and my Fiancee and kids.
    357 of 400 Signatures
    Created by LaToya J.
  • Block Biden
    Recently, Joe Biden's staff did what numerous other politicians have done in the past few years. They got my email address from the DNC and started messaging me. I immediately blocked him. I thought that was the end of it, but a thought kept nagging at me. Wouldn't it be great if the Biden campaign was bombarded with rejected messages. Poll numbers do not reflect how deeply offensive Biden is to many voters. I think this will say it nicely. There are no petitions to sign. All I'm asking is, if you agree, when you see a message from Biden in your email, click on it and block it. There are several good candidates running for president under the Democratic ticket right now. Biden is not one of them. Corporate money is influencing Biden's lead in the polls. The DNC assumes they can force the other candidates out and all their supporters will automatically follow Biden. Individuals blocking Biden's messages from their email accounts would be a clear way to say "never Biden". Before it's too late and that's our only choice. tl:dr - when you see a message from Biden in your email, block it.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by j l.
  • Speaker Pelosi: Meet with Extinction Rebellion Hunger Strikers
    Two weeks ago, fifteen activists with Extinction Rebellion, some as young as 17, went on a hunger strike in Nancy Pelosi’s office in Washington DC. All they asked for was a one-hour recorded meeting to discuss climate action. They were all terrified for our futures and willing to risk their own health to prevent catastrophic warming. Each day her staffers watched as their conditions grew worse. Most of them would get dizzy when trying to stand. Many suffered hunger pangs that kept them from sleeping. But she wouldn’t even speak to them. After a few days, most of the hunger strikers could not continue. But two pushed on: Eric, 27, and Stephen, 28. On the sixth day, Eric’s mom called him crying and begged him to eat again, saying she couldn’t sleep anymore. They stayed hungry while Pelosi flew back to California. They skipped holiday dinners while she enjoyed Thanksgiving with her family. Their loved ones pleaded with them to eat. Multiple doctors advised them to eat. But they knew that everyone’s future was on the line, so they continued to sacrifice their bodies for the greater good. By day thirteen, Eric had lost 16 pounds and Stephen had lost 23. Finally on December 1st, under immense pressure from friends, family, and doctors, they agreed to eat. They hadn’t received so much as a word from Pelosi. Eric and Stephen are in recovery now. We believe that Pelosi has a moral responsibility to meet with the young people whose futures she is deciding. Please ask her to honor their sacrifice and sit down with them for one hour. It’s the least she can do. Thank you.
    4,828 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Eric T. Picture
  • Tell the new Virginia legislature: Let localities ban guns from public events and move monuments
    Guns are the second-leading cause of death among children in the United States. Guns kill about 34,000 people per year in the United States. Countries with reasonable gun laws don't have this level of gun violence. Until the state can act (here are ideas for when it can: https://diy.rootsaction.org/p/gunideas ), it should cease preventing localities from acting. Localities like Charlottesville should not be burdened with any war monuments they do not want, including those that attract violent and hateful riots. The state has no business blocking localities' cultural advancement.
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David S.
  • G-7 World Leaders, Boycott 2020 Summit Location, TRUMP® NATIONAL DORAL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33178
    Any compensation that Member States have or will contribute towards any of Donald J. Trump's businesses are in violation of The United States Constitution.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas W.
  • Bring CounterSpin Back to KPFA
    Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) produces a weekly radio show (Counterspin), which began decades ago. KPFA Radio was regularly airing CounterSpin until Oct. 19, 2018, when it was abruptly taken off the air with no explanation to listeners. Please urge KPFA General Manager Quincy McCoy ([email protected]) and Program Director Kevin Cartright ([email protected]) to bring back CounterSpin to a regular slot on its program grid. FAIR, the national media watch group, was established in 1986 by co-founders Jeff Cohen, Martin Lee and others. It describes its mission as: “FAIR has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, we believe that structural reform is needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.” In the past CounterSpin aired shows featuring guests as Marjorie Cohn on the Afghan unending war, Amit Harana on deregulation, Sasha Abramsky on Trump’s new attacks on immigration, and Corey Gillan under attack by Monsanto. CounterSpin is meticulously researched and exceptionally well documented and produced. CounterSpin is in keeping with KPFA’s mission statement: * “To promote cultural diversity and pluralistic community expression. * To contribute to a lasting understanding between individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors. * To promote freedom of the press and serve as a forum for various viewpoints. * To maintain an independent funding base”. Please urge KPFA General Manager Quincy McCoy ([email protected]) and Program Director Kevin Cartright ([email protected]) to bring back CounterSpin to a regular slot on its program grid.
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Michael L.